My Lucky Black Cat

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Wringing my hands, I stand at the side of the stage. The only thing separating me from the small crowd gathered in the art gallery, a thin red curtain. I feel my stomach churning, I don't have to do this. I could run now and claim I was I'll. The exhibition would still go on without me and no one would mind, no one would judge me. Except maybe HeeJae. Oh God, they would all judge me, the talentless no-show artist HeeJung. HeeJae will hate me, everyone will h-.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. This has to stop. I think to myself. What would he say right now? I feel a grin force its way onto my face. He would tell me to have more faith in myself, to never give up on what makes me happy. With new found confidence I stride out onto the stage and- freeze. Good God Hee Jung get a hold of yourself!

"H-h-hell-" I struggle to get the words out. Taking another deep breath I notice a man facing away from the stage, staring at one of my paintings intently. I clutch the pendant that hangs loosely around my neck.

"Jisoo." I murmur. The man turns round his bright yellow eyes dancing with recognition and a sly grin slips onto his face. I turn red as I realise he heard me, in fact everyone heard me due to the stupid microphone.

Chatter spreads through the crowd like wildfire many young women glancing over their shoulders at Jisoo. MY Jisoo. I had to make him proud.

" Welcome to the HeongSeul art gallery..." I spoke with as confident a voice as I could muster and surprisingly my speech went smoothly when I was finished he was already standing at the side of the stage.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

" I knew you'd come back, you promised" I smiled. The tears trickle down my cheek, I try and wipe them away but they wouldn't stop falling.

I felt enveloped in heat as his arms circled around my waist. Resting his chin on my head we stood like that for a while.

When my tears dried up he leaned back keeping me within his embrace his amber eyes met my own brown pair.

"I told you didn't I." He smirked. " No matter where you are or who you are with. I will always come to take you back."

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