Chapter 3: Campnight confession

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Rion Pov
The last 20 years with Hera have been a blessing,I mean we've started a family together sure she was bitter,but she also had a hard past with her ex,Zeus. Wondering how I know? Well you see since I'm a Lord I can control everything and can decide what power a God gets but I can't decide on the Gods on Mt.Olympus because their lower than me some of the Gods on Mt.Olympus I was going to choose to be a Lord or Lordette like Ares,Reazlia,and Amphitrite. Unfortunately they've ended up being Gods and Goddess on Mt.Olympus,However being a Lord means you could control history and so I decide to views Hera's history and boy was it tragic I mean come on now the girl was raped by her own brother that ended up being her husband and cheated on her I knew more than that,but I wanted to know more!

Since we didn't make it to the portal we had camped by a village that was east from us, luckily we had set up all the tents in time because later on a harsh downpour had came soaking all of my guards and I so fast. "Are there anymore,Karl ?" I say while walking putting the food in one of the tents closest to me "No,sir and would you like for me to check on the prince and queen ?" I shook my head "No,but thank you." "Ok then," Karl turned around "g'night,sire." "Good night,Karl.". I walked back to a tent that was guard by 4 guards 2 in the front to 2 in the back, I told them to open the tent so there I find my little Jasius asleep with his thumb in his mouth and snoring. I smiled at the sight and even made a deep chuckle which woke him up fast.

"Hey little man,sorry I woke you up." He stared up at me and smiled " No it's ok daddy I was wondering when you were gonna check up on me anyways." "No you didn't you little boy I saw the way you were sleeping !" I started to tickle him on his stomach. "(Laughs) s-st-stop daddy (giggles) sto-stop!" I smiled then stopped "Alright little man." I turned to face the outside of the tent "G'nig-." I was cut off from the sound of snoring,I turned and smiled "G'night,little man.". I walked out of the tent and went to the one across from it,this time there were 6 guard,yet again I told them to open it so I could see my soon-to-be queen Lordette. She had a book in her left hand and a cup of water in the other,I did a marvouls chuckle that seemed to scare her as she jumped with surprise.

I walked over to her with a smirk full of lust she seemed to reconized because she had sat down her book and drink by her sleeping bag so she can slip down her white toga I madly blush there to see her M-sized breasts (A/N: I just wanted to make it up.) in a pure white bra and thong. "Like what you see,baby ?" she said in sedutive tone,I could only nod my head "Then come closer and I'll just give you more than just the view." I hurriedly rush over to her almost knocking her down. She giggled as she stroke my cheek,she leaned in to kiss,but so the kiss turned into a steamy make-out that lasted for 15 minutes,we stopped to catch our breath.I stood up to take off my shirt to show my 12 pack abs (A/N: I googled it and so it's real.) her beautiful green eyes widen "You act like you never seen it before." I said as I rose my eyebrow "I-I-I know it's just that sometimes I forget how handsome you can get." she blushed as she said those words,I growled playfully then jumped on top of her "Well then let's make sure you don't forget,ok ?" "Ok,my king."

We kissed again soon she had deepened the kiss while I glided my tounge at her bottom lip begging for an entrance she granted my wish by opening her mouth then our tounges wrestled for dominace. After the battle I ended up winning this happily turned me on so I reached the back of her and unsnapped her bra so I could see her H-sized breasts then throwing the bra across the other side of the sleeping bag we were on. She departed our lips so we can catch our breath,I glided my lips down to her neck and sucked,licked,and bit as she laid back against the sleeping bag gasping in pleasure "Oh yes Rion(moans)bite me my king(gasp)oh yes t-that feels so good."You think that feels good ?" I asked "Yes M'lord." she answered in a kinky voice "Then wait till you feel this." I put on her nipple and started to suck and bite it while my free hand was rubbing her cunt "Zeus never pleasures you like this,huh?" I said sexually she blushes,but then pushes me back hard.

"Whoa,whoa baby what is it ?" she just turned and stared at the shadow that reflected the drops of rain "Babe,look at me." she just kept staring "Hera !" I shouted she still kept staring. I got mad so I grabbed her cheek harshly so she can face me, but then she started to cry so I loosened my grip a little. "Answer my question !" I growled angrily she'd free herself from my grip and launched herself at me, "Oh Rion,t-the reason why I keep trying to a-avoid tell you about Zeus (sobs) is b-be-because thought of me s-saying it brings (sobs) a tragic and h-haunting (sobs) past to my mind, but w-would you ever forgive me ?!" she says between sobs.I stood there frozen,shocked,ashamed I thought that my beautiful fiancée,Hera,was hiding more than this but instead I was wrong.

I looked down at her "Yes,my love I would." I say with sorrow,but when she looked up I could see then tears on her cheeks running down like a river "Y-y-you do." her face soon lights up l nodded my head while she drowned me in kisses. "I love you,Hera." we stared into each others eyes "I love you too,Rion." after that we kissed. Little did poor Rion know that one of 6 guards was Enyo wide eyed in shock.


Early morning had came,the birds were tweeting in melody,and the bright sunshine rays had landed on my face causing me to flutter my eyes open at the point I knew today was going to be a wonderful day. I rolled over to my left side to get up from the sleeping bag until I felt two arms clutching my right arm,I looked over my shoulder to meet my fiancées wonderful and beautiful emerald eyes. "Good morning,beautiful." I whispered "Good morning,Mr.Unique." she says in a calm and sleepy tone, yet smiling. Hera stood and got up from the sleeping bag then walked over to a bag that was filled with clothes then she took one out,grabbed her crown to walk out the tent but before she did she asked "Wanna come to the lake with me?" "Ok,but I'll need to bring Jasius." she nodded "Alright." "I love you." she says happily "I love you,too." then she walked out the tent.


Hera's Pov
I smiled positively as I strolled out the tent the man that I now love just said that he loves me and he proved it.I feel so fulfilled,refreshed,and energized when I'm with him and he's such a gentleman and so muscular with neatly trimmed black dreads,oh just thinking about him drives me crazy I never even had love like this in my life until he came and recused me then showed me ways of love so precious that not even Eros or Aphroditie could control.

I was calmly walking down the river by our campsite with Rion and Jasius so we could take a nice,calm,and hot family bath.As soon we got there Jasius jumped out of my arms ran down to the river and dived in and yelled "Canniball!" I gave Jasius a stern look "Jasius don't yell people at village are still asleep you'll probaly wake them up." I say in a whisper trying not to be loud. "Sorry mother,I didn't know people would be asleep at this time of day." I turned to Rion for an answer "Oh come on,Hera. The boy is just excited to see his grandmother for his birthday today." I frowned "You missed the whole situation." Rion turned to me and glared but then smirked,he then grabbed my hand ran to the river and jumped in the water.

I swam up the the water surface there see to my devilishly smirking fiancé "No,love I believe you missed the entire situation." he says in a smart-like tone I gave him a death glare then looked at Jasius "You forgot to yell canniball,mommy." he said in a happy expression,I smiled "It's not canniball Jasius it's cannonball." "Oh,ok then." he says and continues to swim. Rion was leaning aganist a rock near the river so I swam over by him "Why don't you come in?" I asked curiously he looked down at me with a pale expression "I'm not really in the mood right now,Hera." he says in a depressing tone "Oh ok." he was right he looked pretty much gloomy usually he would have a smile on his face,but instead it was a frown.

Jasius came over by us "Mommy and daddy can I have a sister,please?" he asked,Rion and I stared at each other "Um...well Jasius sweetheart daddy and I will think about it." I say blushing madly "Yaaay!" he cheered as Rion chuckled happily "Alright,little man you wanna go back to the campsite?" Jasius nodded his head "Ok then let's go." Rion looked at me "You coming?" I shook my head no "Ok suit ya'self." Rion grab Jasius's hand and carried him back to the campsite.

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