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There's a song I've written that you've never heard
A book I wrote that you'll never read
When you look at me I beg don't look away
The love I've ever felt for you will never shy away
Never will I be the boy you once met
People are born pure but in the end we change
We're all villain in someone else's tale
Circumstances. Circumstances. Circumstances!
Life is nothing but great
Is people and the choices we make
Life is nothing but great
Is people and a bunch of regrets
Now I'm dancing;
Now I'm dancing with someone else
Now I'm dancing;
Now I'm dancing, but it failed
Now I'm dancing;
Now I'm dancing by myself
Oooooh how I wish it had been another way
How I wished I had a gods quill to overwrite fate
How I wish you were here
Oooooh how I wish for the pain to go away
Short of breath and full heart-bruises
Short of rhymes and excuses
From drunk in love
to drunk with Ron
From drunk in love
To drowned in tears
Full of sorrow and heartaches
Full of failed dreams and nightmares
Circumstances. Circumstances. Circumstances!
Ain't nothing but bad romances
Ain't nothing but failed chances
Poor choices and wrong answers
Soulmates and bad timings

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