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Trollex is 7 and Synth is 5.
Here's a little tragedy for you... Something that has to do with Synth(And yes it is part of the love story, you'll learn why later xD).

Hope you won't hate me for this..


Trollex was bored.. Another day stuck in his room with nothing to do... He knew that what he did was bad, but somehow, he couldn't stop himself from exploring. There were so many wonderful things outside of Techno Reef, even if it was dangerous there must be something that could help him understand some things he's been wondering for years, so why was his father not allowing him to go see?

Of course he couldn't go on his own, but why not go with a guard or something?

He sighed, lying on his bed and facing the ceiling. What else could he do? He was grounded... How boring...

Then, he heard a knock on his door. "What...?" He said, sounding bored out of his mind as Synth opened the door. "Bro! Wanna play with me?" He asked, smiling widely. And Trollex, not even moving, replied almost with a yawn. "Yeah, sure... Whatcha wanna do..?" He asked, barely turning his head to look at the purple guppy. "We can go to the clearing and play hide and seek!!" Synth said, excited.

Trollex sat up straight and truned to face his little brother. "Synth, i can't leave the castle... I'm grounded, remember?" He said, looking at his brother with a sad expression. Synth didn't seemed fazed by that answer though. "Ah come on, Bro!" He looked at Trollex with a big mischievious smile. "Dad won't know if we leave by your window!"

"....." Trollex was taken aback. "I really have a bad influence on you, lil' bro..." But he smiled anyway. "Okay! Let's go!" He said, smiling while leaving with his little brother to the clearing.


The clearing was huge. It was an open space in the middle of a forest of seaweed. The place was just in between the center of the Reef and the place where Trollex and Cora met. The other thing that was in the area besides the weeds was a giant rock in the middle of the clearing.

The two brothers started to play hide and seek around the rock. Synth had a lot of trouble finding Trollex, he searched for an hour but eventually he found him.

Once Trollex was it, he started to count from 1 to 10 with his back facing the rock. When he turned around after counting, he looked at his brother in horror...

The little purple guppy had his back against the rock, petrified with fear as a Barracuda was in front of him and looking at him with hunger. And Trollex did the only thing he could think of... He swam as fast as he could towards the giant predator and grabbed its tail, screaming: "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!!"

The Barracuda turned to Trollex. "SYNTH, GO BACK HOME NOW!" He said as the giant fish went to attack the future King. But Synth didn't have time to move far as the Barracuda hit him with its tail, sending him flying against the rock. The little Prince lost consciousness and fell down to the sand slowly, blood could be seen leaving the back of his head as he had hit a sharp part of the rock.

Trollex was trying his hardest to evade the predator, he was getting tired as he couldn't fight off the beast on his own... At least, that's what he thought. As soon as he saw his brother, unconscious on the sand below, the future King saw black. He got so angry that he turned to face the Barracuda and punched it with everything he had.

When he got back to his senses, he didn't remember what he had done, but the Barracuda was gone. So he went directly to his brother, trying to wake him up. "Synth? Synth? Come on, bro! Wake up..." He said, as he shook his little brother slowly. But he wasn't waking up. "Synth...?" He tried again, but it was no use. The little prince was knocked out cold. When Trollex saw the blood he started crying. "No... Come on, don't leave me..." he said, now panicking.

He was too focused on his little brother to even hear his father calling out to them. King Thrill, along with some guards, was swimming towards them. "I want all of you to look around for predators while i go see my kids." He said to the guards. Once they started to search all around, the King went to Synth's side. "Trollex.. What have you done..?" He asked, scared and disapointed. "I-it wa-asn't me.... A Barra-acuda... I-i... I-i didn't..." Thrill took his unconscious son in his arms while Trollex tried to explain. "Go back home, Trollex. And stay there until i return." The King said, angry. Trollex nodded and everyone left the clearing. Thrill went to the hospital, while Trollex went back home with the guards.


A few hours later, Queen Alannah knocked on Trollex's bedroom door. "Trollex...?" She asked. "Your father wants to see you in the throne room." She added. He opened the door and, without looking at his mother, he swam past her on his way to the throne room. Before he arrived though he stopped and hid behind the door as he heard his father mention something he didn't quite understand. "Perhaps it was this old magic..." Thrill said, deep in thoughts. "My King, this kind of magical waves do not appear on its own. Your son must have something to do with it." A guard said, concerned. "I know.. But this kind of magic demands a lot of energy and i don't think he remembers what he has done... Even if he does remember, i cannot tell him.." Thrill was interrupted as Trollex accidentally opened the door from leaning against it. "We will leave you to it.." The guard said, leaving with the others.

"....." Trollex sat down on a chair beside his father, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry...." He said, almost whispering. "You should be sorry... Not for the Barracuda, but for leaving the castle when you were not supposed to." King Thrill said, in a harsh tone. "When will you finally listen to me, Trollex. I only want you to be safe, but you always disobey me. Why?" He asked, looking at his son. "... I... I don't know..." The prince lied. He wanted something, but he kept that secret to himself. "I promise this was the last time. I'm never going to disobey you again..." Trollex answered honestly, ashamed of himself.

As the eldest, Trollex should have been more responsible and played in the castle, instead of leaving. Now, his little brother was hurt because of his bad choices. And he felt terrible for it. "I wish i could trust you... But until you prove to me that you really are sincere, you are to stay here. And you're still grounded." Thrill added. "I know..." Trollex answered.

"Now, go back to your room. I'll have your mother bring you your diner... And your window is going to be watched to make sure you don't leave." Thrill said, watching Trollex leave with a very weak: "yes, dad..."


Meanwhile, Cora was in her room crying from hearing her parents arguing loudly. "I WILL NOT LET CORA SEE HIM AGAIN!" Her father said, angry. "HE CONSTANTLY PUT OTHERS IN DANGER! HE IS DANGEROUSLY CARELESS!" He added. "HE'S JUST A KID, MAC! HE DOESN'T KNOW ANY BETTER BECAUSE HE'S A KID! IT'S NOT HIS FAULT." Her mother said. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS RECKLESS BOY WILL BE KING SOMEDAY... THRILL SHOULD LOCK HIM UP!" Mac added, not listening to his wife. "LISTEN TO ME!" Her mother shouted, leaving the room quiet for a few moments.

"A lot of kids do stupid things. That's how they learn! You were no better at his age, so don't act like you never did anything wrong! And if i remember correctly, Thrill was no better either. Perhaps he was even worst! Do you remember the last shark attack we had? Thrill and his friends were responsible for that, and his older brother, the one that should have been our King today, paid the price." She said, starting to calm down.

Mac sighed. "You're right... I... I'm sorry, Pearly..." He said. "I won't prevent her from seeing him... But i do hope Thrill does something to make his son see that what he is doing is wrong." He added. "I'm sure that Trollex does know what he did wrong. And i know he'll do whatever he can to fix his mistakes." Pearly said, both now calm.

Cora stopped crying by hearing that. But she was still sad about the whole situation. Yes, Trollex was a bit careless, but he would never endanger his own siblings on purpose like her father said he did. And at that moment, she was determined to prove her dad wrong and show him that Trollex was not dangerous.

Everyone makes mistakes. But we learn from these bad choices so we can be better in the future, and Cora knew that all of Trollex's bad choices would help him become someone that everyone will come to respect and love as much as they love his father.


So... I didn't know how to end this chapter xD
Anyway, i hope you liked it!!

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