Chapter 2 ∞ A Nuisance

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I was sitting at the back of my first period history class, adjusting my cat-ear headband out of boredom. Zoning out, thinking about drama class and the scholarship I was granted to Tisch School of the Arts, was all that I could do considering that I was already two weeks ahead of the material for this class. Everything the teacher was saying, I had already taught myself so I saw no harm in daydreaming, especially when the daydreams were about my best friend and I living our best lives.

Halfway through the period I was snapped out of my daydream by some hoodlum entering the classroom. It was Jack Gilinsky, the asshole who was so self-entitled, he couldn't bring himself to not disrupt the class. At this point I was convinced that he was coming in forty minutes late everyday just for attention.We might have the same name but that's probably the only thing we had in common. I rolled my eyes and blew a stray strand of hair out of my face, wondering what Connor even saw in that guy. The way he talked about Jack sounded like they were getting ready to elope, but I had figured that Jack wasn't the eloping type, which had just been proven this morning by a little note Connor found on the pillow next to his. What an asshole.

Jack Gilinsky walked right by his seat at the front of the classroom where all of his friends were and put his book bag down under the desk next to mine. I was shocked but hid it professionally by making sure to glance in every direction but his.

Why the fuck is he sitting here? He had a perfectly good seat right up in the front where he could be the centre of attention like always. He's probably failing this class, so the obvious choice would be to sit in the front to rectify that, wouldn't it? He's such an idiot.

"Hey!" Jack whispered to me.

Why the hell is he talking to me? He's never talked to me. He's checked me out before but never full on talked to me. How dare he think that he's adequate enough to talk to me.
Honestly, whatever. I've got a plan.
This is for Connor.

"Hi!" I reply while crossing my legs and flashing him the most attractive fake smile I could muster. I forced myself to blush, in order to make my awkwardness seem more real. His eyes scanned my body, lingering on my butt.

"Jack, right?" He asked, referring to my name before finally looking back up into my eyes.

"Call me JJ." I mutter while shrugging, trying to look and sound nervous as if this was what I've been waiting for my whole life.

"Well, JJ, do you have minute after class? I've seen you around and there's something that I've been trying to get off of my chest for a while now."

"Mr. Gilinsky and Mr. Johnson! Would you care to enlighten the class with your conversation?" Mrs. Moore, the history teacher asked loudly. Mrs. Moore was so old that everyone assumed that all of her lessons were just stories of her glory days. I swear she targets me, but she never ever calls Jack out for anything, so this was surprising. I guess her hatred for me outweighed her love for precious Jack Gilinsky.

"No!" He and I claim in unison, trying to avoid punishment.

"Then maybe you could enlighten me, in detention after class."

I sigh quietly and curse Jack one thousand times in my mind. I have another class to get to, I can't waste half an hour here. I glanced over at the boy and noticed that he was smirking, probably congratulating himself on finding a way to spend time with me.

Mrs. Moore quickly goes back to teaching her lesson on capitalism and commerce once Jack and I both looked her in the eye. It was almost torture to refrain from sending Jack the dirtiest look I'd ever make in my life.

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