Chapter 5 ∞ Special Gifts

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I walked to math, one of the many classes I had with Jack. I noticed that I had a certain jump in my step now that I had a few extra tricks up my sleeves. I had decided to wait until third period to reveal these tricks to JJ, for dramatic effect. When I arrived to the math class, he was already waiting for the bell to ring. I traversed the room and sat behind him, as no seats were available beside him.

I rummaged through my bag to find my first weapon of mass destruction, the bedazzled Mickey Mouse ears.

I had put them in a completely separate box because they were almost impossible to get back into the black pouch. I whipped the accessory out cockily and admired it for a short amount of time. I slid the ears onto my head and rested my feet up on the desk before ripping a piece of paper out of my notebook. I crumpled the paper and chucked it at the back of JJ's head. I looked away immediately, trying to seem as cool and collected. As he turned around ,his face was plastered with an angry scowl. He was opening his mouth to curse me out when he finally looked up and noticed the headband.

"W-where the hell did you get those? They're limited edition and not to mention, sold out on Etsy, eBay, and Amazon. Those go for, like, six hundred bucks on any trades site." He sighed in amazement, resting his chin on his palm.

"Do you want them?"

"You probably went through hell and back to get those. I couldn't take them from you." He stared, unable to take his eyes away from the ears. It was hilarious how mesmerized he was at the sight of a stupid gimmicky headband.

"I insist! It's fine. I've got plenty more at home." I shrug while taking the ears off and handing them over to him. He accepts them dazedly, admiring them and turning them over in his hands before carefully placing them on his head. He looked absolutely ridiculous, nonetheless I'd still smash.

The ears actually matched his baggy nude crew neck that was tucked into his light blue high waisted skinny jeans. It was as if he was glowing once he settled the ears on his head. He was genuinely smiling, which I had never seen before, at least not while in conversation with me.

The smile disappeared once he turned back to me.

"Thanks." He nods. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did Jack Johnson almost just smile at me. I think we're making progress. I smirked at him.

"You're welcome babe." I winked sexily. He rolled his eyes and scoffed at the nickname before turning around once more.


The last bell rang as I walked up behind JJ who was going through his locker collecting things to take home. I weighed all of my options and quickly decided that the best choice was to say hello instead of grabbing his butt.

"Hey gorgeous."

"Fuck off." He replied harshly, not even turning to look at me.

"Playing hard-to-get, I see." I chuckled while grabbing his hand and spinning him around to face me. I rested my hands on his hips as I waited for his response.

"It's not that difficult when you're playing hard-to-want." His eyes receded to disgusted narrow slits.

"Funny. So, babe, want a ride home?" I asked smoothly. He bit his bottom lip and rested his hands on my chest. He stood on his tip toes so that his lips could reach my ear.

"No. Go fuck yourself." He whispered.

"No need, I have you for that babe." I winked, hoping he could appreciate a person who could keep up with his banter. JJ simply pushed me away. "I gave you those sexy little Mickey Mouse ears-"

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