attention (requested)

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This night sounded like so much fun when Scarlett first told you about it.

A night in at one of her closest friends' house. Maybe a drink or two and some good food, as well as some good movies as you all enjoy some time to talk.

But it's been no fun so far. You arrived almost two hours ago and Scarlett has only spoken a couple of words here and a few there to you. Her attention is on her friends.

Usually, you probably wouldn't mind. She's so busy and she rarely ever gets time to unwind and just enjoy herself.

But two hours without so much as putting her arm around you to hold onto you seems a little excessive to you.

Honestly, you feel unwanted and quite bored. No one is talking to you and you feel a little left out.

"Scarlett?" You sighed as you tapped her shoulder, only for her to just move her shoulder, as if she was wordlessly telling you to leave her be.

"I'm leaving. I'll just see you when you get home." You told Scarlett as you patted her thigh.

You waited for her response, secretly hoping she'd tell you to stay and then wrap you in her arms.,

But she didn't even pay you any mind. She just continued to talk and laugh with her friends.

You got up and grabbed your things before heading home.

Thankfully, you were only a few blocks away, so the walk wasn't a long one.

You made it home just a little while later. The driveway was empty, so you knew she wasn't home yet. You didn't even think she'd notice you were gone. Not for a while, anyway.

You let yourself inside with your key before closing the door behind you. You kicked off your shoes before making your way upstairs to the bedroom.

As much as you wanted to be with Scarlett, you'd rather be alone for now than to feel left out by her and her friends.

You crawled into bed and turned on your favorite film. You decided you'd just have an early night and relax.

But only a few minutes into the film, the front door slammed loudly and Scarlett was calling out your name.


She didn't sound very happy. That left you confused. What could she possibly be upset at you for?

"There you are!" She said when she reached the bedroom.

She folded her arms over her chest and stared at you in disbelief.

"You had me worried sick! Why did you leave?"

"Don't get mad at me! I told you that I was leaving."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did! You just didn't hear me because you were too busy with your friends."

"Well, why did you leave in the first place?"

"Because I felt like you didn't even know I was there anymore! It felt like none of you did. You were so focused on each other while I sat there for almost two hours, waiting for you to hold me or give me a little attention. I felt left out. I didn't know if you even wanted me there. So, I left."

You watched her eyes soften, a look of sadness replacing the anger you once saw.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Yelling at me?"

"Yes." She spoke quietly as she walked to you, taking a seat right beside you on the bed. "That and for making you feel left out. That's never my intention, baby girl. You know that."

"I know." You said. "I tried to get your attention. I honestly hoped you'd hear me when I said I was going to leave and you'd stop me."

"I'm sorry I was too focused on my friends to even notice. It wasn't my intention. I love you and I never want you to feel unwanted or left out or anything of that sort. I just got caught up in being back with them. I truly am sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sorry if I seem needy."

"Don't be." She said and took your hand into hers with a smile. "You're cute. I think it's absolutely adorable that you were so desperate for my attention."

"Well, I," you started to say as she let go of your hand and crawled up the bed to you.

But you didn't get the chance to finish your sentence, to let the rest of the words that were on the tip of your tongue fall. Because she gently laid you on your back and hovered over you and the look of utter happiness and love in her eyes made you melt.

"I love you so much, my baby." She smiled widely before giving you a sweet kiss.

She chuckled against your lips as you wrapped your arms around her neck and tried to pull her closer, keeping her so close that your heart was beating against hers.

"I love you, Scarlett." You whispered against her lips as she pulled away for a split second to catch her breath, only for her to put her lips right back onto yours for another sweet kiss as she tried to pour all the love she has for you into the perfect kisses she was giving you.

Scarlett Johansson Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now