trying to kiss my best friend (requested)

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"Thanks for coming over. I've had such a hard week and I needed some cheering up," Scarlett said as you sat down on the sofa beside her, sipping on the drink she made you.

"Trust me, I feel the same way." You said and watched her smile at you, wondering if she was aware, even in the slightest, that the sight made your heart hammer against your chest.

"So? What should we do?" She asked as she put down her mug and turned to you, happily giving you her full attention. "Maybe we could order some food and turn on some movies. Does that sound okay? Or is there anything else that you had in mind?"

"Anything is fine, I don't mind."

Truthfully, you couldn't care less what it is that you're doing with Scarlett. You just want to be with her, especially these days.

Your time together has, sadly, been quite scarce. You both live busy lives, working long and exhausting careers. But at the end of the day, your best friend is always there to cheer you up and make things better, just like you always do for her.

You'd do anything for her... anything at all.

"Okay. How about your favorite spot? I think it sounds delicious today."

"Sure. That sounds nice." You grinned and she got up, grabbing her phone from the table.

"Great. I'll go order. Be right back."

You nodded and watched her exit the room to go and order some food for the two of you to share. To occupy yourself, you pulled out your phone and opened TikTok. You scrolled through your feed mindlessly until you saw something that caught your eye, making you freeze.

Trying to kiss my best friend.

You looked around to see if Scarlett was anywhere before turning the volume up a little. After clicking on the tag and seeing a few videos, you got the idea of seeing if you could do the same to Scarlett.

See, while you're best friends and have been for as long as you can remember, you don't just think of her as your best friend.

You've developed feelings for her over the time you've spent as friends but you've never told her this, much too afraid that she wouldn't feel the same way and you'd somehow ruin your friendship, which pained you to think about.

You set your phone back down and bit your lip, wondering if you could somehow pull this off. Every day and every time that you see her, you always wonder if she feels the same. She looks at you adoringly and she always tries to find an excuse to touch your hands and show you a little affection but you always tell yourself that it's what friends do.

Maybe, if you do this, you can find out if she feels the same.

And, if for any reason she doesn't, you can just play it off as a joke. You could show her the videos and see that it's not just you that's kissed your best friend. Apparently, a lot of people do.

You were snapped out of your thoughts as she entered the room again.

"Sorry, it took me a few minutes."

"No, it's okay." You smiled as she sat back down and reached for the remote.

"So, what should we watch? Any ideas? Any new films you've been dying to see?" She asked as she looked back at you, only to find you staring at her intently as you bit your lip.

"Hey," she chuckled as she waved her hand in front of your face. "Are you okay?"

You didn't answer her verbally. Instead, you put your lips on hers for a kiss.

She was taken aback by the sudden brush of your lips. But it didn't take long for her to melt into you.

Little did you know how badly she's been wanting to kiss you. How long she's waited for a moment like this with you. She's dreamt about it countless times and now that it's happening, it feels so surreal.

She put her hands on your back and tried to pull you closer as she kissed you back, only for you to slowly pull away.

"Sorry." You mumbled as you tried to catch your breath.

"Uh," she paused before a chuckle escaped her lips, the smile on her face bigger than you've ever seen before. "Where did that come from?"

"Depends. Did you like it?"

"Like it? That's an understatement."

Your cheeks turned red and she giggled before putting her hand on your cheek.

"I've dreamt about that for so long."

"Really? Me too."

"Then why'd you pull away?" She teased.

"Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page, that's all."

She giggled before pecking your lips.

"Oh, baby, we definitely are. Now, come on. Kiss me again."

You happily did.

You put your lips right back on hers and your heart began to hammer against your chest yet again as she kissed you a little more passionately than before, making sure you knew that she's just as crazy over you as you are for her.

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