Shots & Paradise

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(Hello everyone! Before you start reading I just wanted to tell you that I am going to be suggesting songs for each chapter from now on! Is totally optional for you to listen to them but some chapters will include the "Suggested Songs by the Author" at the beginning of the chapter. The songs (some instrumentals, some not) inspire me to write and might help you enjoy the reading experience a bit more! Thank you so much for reading my story and sorry it took me so long to update! So many things have happened! For now, enjoy the chapter and I'll update soon!)

Suggested Songs by the Author:

Here at Last by Tracey Chattaway

Summer Waltz by Carlos Hof

September 15, 2017: Cassini - The Grand Finale by Sleeping At Last

Yo no Sé Mañana by Luis Enrique


"Of all the things," I try to catch my breath, "I was not expecting for you to bring me hiking, Harry." I am out of breath and thank God I didn't wear any makeup today because I am sweating a lot!

"At first it's a bit tiring but then you feel the adrenaline's rush that makes you want to run towards the top of the mountain." Harry is very enthusiastic, and that only makes one of us.

"I think I'm not in that adrenaline stage yet, and it's been almost two hours." I am embarrassed because I tried to look all fit and shit, but the truth is that my lungs feel icy and hot at the same time and I feel that if I take another step, I'm going to trip over, fall, and die. The whole mountain is so steep that I can literally see myself rolling down and dying. "Can we sit here for a minute?"

"But we are almost there, love." Harry rests his hand on his waist and smiles with pity.

"You have said that like ten times." I find a spot with green grass and let myself fall in the comfort of the ground.

"We have taken a few breaks now."

"Are you?" I take a breath, "Are you judging me?" I try to laugh but my lungs barely let me.

"I am not, we are just a few minutes away. Come here." Harry walks towards me and picks me up over his left shoulder.

"Harry, no! Harry put me down, now!" I start throwing my legs up and down but I just hear him laughing.

"I said we are almost there." He doesn't stop giggling and I don't stop slapping his back so he can let me down. I feel uncomfortable being carried and he's making it impossible for me to put myself down so I just try to hug his torso so I don't feel like I am falling. Around two minutes later, I hear Harry sigh and he stops walking.

"We are here." I listen as he takes a big breath and I make sure to look mad at him before I stand on the ground. I notice the bright yellow sunlight hitting his face in such a majestic way that I slowly turn around and gasp at the view.

I feel that my breath has been taken away. The green mountains meet a narrow valley with a clear water river. My eyes slowly close and I open them again with hope. Standing here suddenly feels like I have had a second chance in life. I smile and extend my arms, welcoming the good, trying to reach the light and feel the breeze, all at the same time.

"Worth it, right?" Harry smiles in the back and I simply nod.

For the first time in my life I have been completely taken away by such an exquisite view. We are at the top of the mountain and for a moment I feel like I am Simba, and I run the entire world. The moment is so beautifully intense, I imagine the mellow sound of a violin and maybe a harp.

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