Good Morning

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The light slowly seeped through the windows and fell upon two blissfully sleeping figures. A light breeze came inside the room and the curtains fluttered. Birds chirped and Mother Nature slowly went about her way to produce a heavenly morning. The soft sunlight which came in through the windows, woke one of the sleeping males.

*Jungkook pov*

I woke up to the most pleasant view of all. My 2 year old boyfriend was sleeping beside me cuddled in blankets and looking adorable.
His face was nuzzled against the pillows. Tae looked like an angel. He was sleeping so peacefully, I was tempted to pull him towards me and cuddle him all day. After all it was our day off in ages.
Taehyung was the best thing that ever happened to me. I remember that day very clearly. The day I met the love of my life. It was a normal day... I woke up, had my breakfast at a small cafe and then headed out to my job. When I reached the building and I went in, I saw all my friends and colleagues avoiding my gaze. I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. As I sat in my office and was about to begin my work, someone opened the door and told me that my boss wanted to see me. I was confused. Why would my boss want to see me? Did I do anything wrong? With all these questions inside my head, I went to my boss's cabin and knocked. I heard a voice curtly say, "Come in." I opened the door and went inside. "Oh Jeon. You are here. I was expecting you. Please sit down." I sat down a little hesitantly. I looked at my boss with a questioning look. His face did not reveal anything. With his hands folded on the desk, he began, "Now you must be wondering why I called you today. Before you say anything, I want to tell you that this was not in my hands. I tried to make it right but..." He sighed a tired sigh. "But what, sir? Did I do anything wrong? I promise it will never happen." I said anxiously. He looked at me now with a sympathetic look.
"I hope you remember the contract which you signed before entering the job?" He said. I nodded. "There was a condition in it that you must not have any other side job while you are working here." My eyes widened. "Y-yes sir. I remember it." I said now extremely nervous. "Someone told Mr. Yun about your side-job and now he is furious that I didn't report it to him. I am extremely sorry Jeon. It got out of my hands. He has given me orders to fire you" He said with a sorry look. I was stunned. I couldn't believe I got fired from my job. After taking away my belongings and leaving the building, the actual weight of what happened settled. I was terrified. I needed money desperately and hence I had to work a side-job. My parents were old and I had to support them and getting fired wasn't something which helped.
I walked home and kept my belongings on the table. Panic and fear were gripping me and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, I realised that my rent was due in two weeks. If I was unable to pay it, I would be homeless.
I had no idea what to do. I had enough money to keep me in a stable condition and to help my parents for few weeks. It terrified me to think what would happen after that. I couldn't tell my parents because I knew they would be worried. I picked up my phone and called the only person who I knew would be able to tell me what to do.
"Jin hyung" I said and started crying.

*After some time*

*Seokjin's pov*

"Shhh" I said while Jungkook cried on my shoulder. "It's alright Koo. There is nothing to worry about. Joonie and I are here to help you." I rubbed Kookie's back while softly trying to calm him. He had been like this since he called and we came over. I knew Jungkook from when we were children. He never cried like this. I knew how much it meant to him to be able to look after his parents and losing his job was a huge blow. He had just quit his side-job as he had been expecting a raise.
I looked at my husband who was pacing the room while thinking deeply. His eyes met mine and I knew that he was worried. But I also knew that Namjoon would be able to think of a quick and nice solution if he was given some time. Jungkook had stopped crying now and I softly rubbed his back. "Koo? Come on. We are going to have a little snack. It will make you feel better. "
He sniffled. I rubbed his tears away with the sleeve of my shirt.
We slowly went out of the house to search for a cafe. "A new coffee shop has opened just down the mall. It sells pastries, cakes, beverages and many other things. I often go there when I want a little peace and quiet. It's a nice place." I said. Jungkook just nodded. We made our way through the busy morning streets to the cafe. There were very few people. "Hey Tae." I said and smiled at the barista. "What's special for today?" I asked. Jungkook was looking down at the cakes and pastries displayed in front of him and didn't notice Taehyung. "Let's see. We have your Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, Vanilla Latte With Soy Milk and your cream bun. And what will it be for your friend here?" Tae said looking at Jungkook. He was not paying attention at all and I nudged his side with my elbow. "Ow, Jin hyung! What was that?"Jungkook whined and looked up at me with a pout.
"Please give this sweet man your order, Kookie" I said. He looked up at Tae.

*Jungkook pov*

I looked up at the barista after Jin told me to give him my order. The first thing I saw was the cute boxy smile. When he saw he staring, he looked down while his cheeks tinged with a light pink hue. He looked more adorable while blushing. He had messy hair which the moment I saw, I wanted to run my hands through. He had a soft look about him and I understood why Jin hyung wanted to come here in the first place. When I first entered, the sweet smell of cakes and cookies and the quiet aura gave a warm and welcoming air to it. The handsome and smiling barista increased the welcoming feeling.
I was admiring the cute barista in front of me when I felt a slap on the back of my head. I looked at Jin hyung in surprise and pouted. Jin hyung had a amused look on his face and he said in an stern but amused tone, "Stob being a whipped boi and give your order." I blushed at the statement and saw the barista also blush. He pretended to do check something. "I will have a iced caramel macchiato with a cheesecake please" I said after thinking a while.
We stood at the side while the sweet barista prepared our orders. "Jin hyung." I called. He hummed a yes. "What's the barista's name?" I asked. Jin hyung gave me a knowing look and said, "Why? Are you planning on asking him out or something?" He smirked. "Aish hyungie. Noo. I just wanna know that cutie's name." Jin laughed his famous laugh and said, "If you wanna know so badly, his name is Kim Taehyung. Although you say you don't, Imma still tell you that he is single at the moment. You can ask him out" I blushed and softly punched his shoulder. He was about to say something when Taehyung called us. "Your orders are ready gentlemen. Have a nice day." He said and smiled that cute smile. He looked so happy that it brought a smile to my face. I left the place and walked towards my apartment while Jin hyung kept teasing me. I didn't pay any attention to him all the while thinking about a cute barista who had a beautiful smile and went by the name Kim Taehyung.
When we went home, we found that Namjoon hyung had managed to get me a nice job at a photo studio. I was excited about it because firstly, I loved photography and secondly, I would be able to get my life back on track again.
After I settled down in my job, I went to the cafe daily. It was more due to a certain boxy-smiled barista than coffee. I got to know him nicely and finally summoned the courage one day to ask him out. It was the start of the best time of my life.
I looked towards my baby when I felt movement on my side. I turned towards Tae and said, "Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?" He slowly opened his eyes and hummed while looking at me.
I softly touched his cheek and pecked his lips. Those were the softest pair of lips I had ever kissed. I thrived in the knowledge that this handsome man is mine. After pulling away, I looked into his eyes and saw pure adoration and love and I felt my heart grow with the amount of love I held for him. I ran my fingers through his soft disheveled black locks and he hummed under my touch. I love this cutie in front of me so much that it hurts. Sometimes, I wondered that if he was a dream. It was wonderful how he made me smile when I was down. Taehyung is an angel who came into my life at the right time and showed me what true love and happiness meant.
"Kookie, you are staring again" Tae giggled. His giggles were like a melody to me. I never got tired of hearing them. "I can't help it baby. You are so beautiful. I am so lucky to have you." He blushed and his his red face in the crook of my neck and I laughed. "I love you Koo." A muffled whisper came from him. "I love you too." I said softly. We laid there like that for almost the whole day. It was a blissful feeling being able to hold him in my arms.

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