Pets 1-5

16 0 0

# 1

Creature: Small (mini) crab

Description: a small crab whose body's about the size of a toonie (can have it that it grows larger to average size at Dm's discretion but the small ones are so much cuter!) 

Age of Maturity: 2-3 years

Lifespan: 8-13 years

Color options/morphs: these little crabs can be anywhere from black to red, from Purple to bright orange

Natural habitat: Aquatic - semiaquatic

Food type: Omnivore

Size: Tiny

Rideability: No

Mythical: no

Armour class: 13

Speed: 15 ft, swim 20 ft

Hp formula: 1d4+1


Str/   Dex/   Con/   Int/   Wis/   Cha/   
 2        12        10         1        8         4

Skills: Stealth +3
Senses: Blindsight 30ft, Passive perception 9
Challenge: 0 (10 xp)

Ability 1: Easy hide- this tiny crab can hide most anywhere, even pretending to be a rock if needed 

Ability 2: Amphibious- the crab can breath both water and air

Ability 3: Claw grapple- the crab can hitch a ride unnoticed by pinching onto fabric with it's tiny claws, though... since they are so small, that's all they're really good for.



Creature: Pufferfish

Description: A small fish that can inflate itself with water (or air when removed from the water) to ward off predators, this specific pufferfish does produce a tetrodotoxin and have little spines on it's body.

Age of Maturity: 5 years

Lifespan: 10 years

Color options/morphs: grey, yellow, blue, white, and brown.

Natural habitat: Aquatic (can be fresh or saltwater)

Food type:  Carnivor/Piscivore (Snails, shellfish, Crustaceans and fish)

Size: Tiny

Rideability: no

Mythical: no

Armour class: 14

Speed: 30 ft swim

Hp formula: 1d4+2


Str/ Dex/ Con/ Int/ Wis/ Cha/
8       12      14     8       8        6

Skills: Perception +2
Senses: Passive perception 10
Challenge: 0 (10 xp)

Ability 1: Inflate! the pufferfish can spend a turn inflating itself into a spikey ball 3 times it's normal size! and can stay like this until they feel safe again

Ability 2: Toxic touch, if you touch the pufferfish unprotected you will become posioned, and take 1d8 posion damage

Attack 1: The pufferfish can swim and ram into an individual (obviously under water) to Poison them, on a hit roll 1d8 poison damage.



Creature: House hippo

Description: a small hippo about the same size as a mouse.

Age of Maturity: 1.4 years

Lifespan: 12 years

Color options/morphs: Albanism percentage:1-2 on a d100 roll Melanistic percentage: 98-99 on a d100 roll

Natural habitat: semiaquatic

Food type: Omnivore

Size: Tiny

Rideability: No

Mythical: no

Armour class: 11

Speed: 25

Hp formula: 1d4


Str/ Dex/ Con/ Int/ Wis/ Cha/
10     12     10        3       4       8

Skills: Stealth +4
Senses: passive perception 7
Challenge: 0 (10xp)

Ability 1: Lint Gatherer- the house hippo is proficient, at finding and collecting lint, and small scraps of usually flammable items that they would use for their nest, meaning that they are proficient in finding fire starter materials.

Attack 1: finger chomp- the house hippo can bite a finger or small toe and deal 1d6 damage



Creature: Mini manatee

Description: a small Manatee about the size of small to medium dog~

Age of Maturity: 5 years

Lifespan: 65 years

Color options/morphs: grey.  Albanism percentage:1/100 Melanistic percentage:1/100 
(d100 roll on a 1 its albino on a 100 it is melanistic)

Natural habitat: Aquatic

Food type: Herbivore

Size: Tiny

Rideability: No

Mythical: no

Hp formula: 1d4+1


Str/ Dex/ Con/ Int/ Wis/ Cha/
2       2        12      2      2        20

Senses: Passive perception 6
Challenge: 0 (-10xp)

Ability 1: float, the Manatee can just glide along, doing nothing in particular and be absolutely adorable



Creature: Starfish

Description: a pink, yellow, orange, red, white, blue or purple starfish 

Age of Maturity: 15 days

Lifespan: 35 years

Color options/morphs: pink, yellow, orange, red, white, blue or purple

Natural habitat: Aquatic

Food type: Carnivor

Size: Tiny

Rideability: No

Mythical: No

Hp formula: 1d4+3


Str/ Dex/ Con/ Int/ Wis/ Cha/
2        2        16      1      1         1

Senses: Blindsense 5 ft
Challenge: 0 (xp 0)

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