Mystery eggs explanation

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Mystery eggs are a mysterious creation between two goddesses a goddess of woman, childbirth, children, and infants, and the goddess of magic herself. These curious creations were introduced into the world to allow everyone to have a companion but to make it less... well... monotonous, the goddesses made plenty of different types of eggs so that everyone could find their ideal pet! well, eventually... while some get lucky with their picks others are not so pleased with what they get and will often attempt a trade away their newfound companion, while it's not necessarily bad to ditch your newborn Racoon with someone in trade for their Llama so you can get back to adventuring to try again... uh... it's not great, either... so keep in mind that if you're not ready to commit to pet parenthood, maybe don't buy an egg! :D

Mystery eggs can be set up in a locked shelf or case in a pet store, on a wizarding school campus or maybe even a magic shop! how they are presented is up to the seller there are several different types of sellers of these pet eggs

You can pay for an egg and draw a ticket from a jar or container of some sort and then the seller will take your slip and return with the crate number corresponding to the number drawn. 

Best guess:
you can see all the different crates arranged neatly on a counter and might be able to tell their size due to the crate they're housed in, pay for an egg and pick a crate!

take your pick:
The eggs are on display on little pillows or perches in a glass case or on a counter (most likely protected by magic) and you can roll an insight on the eggs to see if you can figure out what size, Type (mammal, bird, reptile, Aquadic) or animal it is

or the seller could be a combination of these 3 types or have their own way of selling these pets!

(Dm's pre-roll the eggs if they are visible, if not keep in mind that a Dragon egg will not fit in a shoebox. so you may want to have the shop keeps be intentionally sleazy and put all the eggs in the same large boxes or refer to the "size Tables" page where i'll be nice and put all the same sizes together, note- probably will need a rolling bot for them as i'm sure they're not going to be nice rollable with real dice numbers)

Now a must-have item for getting a mystery pet is the Companion ring. these rings could be part of a bundle with an egg or sold separately. the Companion rings are connected to pocket dimensions that you can summon and desummon your pet to and from, inside the ring they will have access to food and all their needs in a pristine habitat without danger.

but be warned, there are different types of Companion rings, and getting the wrong one for your pet could have dire consequences.

Companion rings usually come in one of these X types

Coral reef, deep sea, open ocean, freshwater stream, freshwater lake, swamp, boreal forest, rainforest, forest, plains, mountain, beach/oceanside, and cozy cottage on an acreage.

There is also the higher-priced pet ring that will adapt to any pet placed inside of it, this one is the one we recommend as not all shop keeps will tell you the ring you'll need for a given egg, which usually has a hefty fee of its own.

When you roll for an egg (at the dm's discretion) you may call out your favorite number BEFORE you roll (1-100), and if you land on that number, you may pick whatever animal off the table and what it looks like to be your pet. 

Pet food!

there are several types of (magic) pet food you can buy (though it is not necessary if you use a companion ring as the ring will contain food for your pet)

The different types of pet foods are-

           X         |herbivour  | Omnivor | Carnivor
Terestrial    |         x           |        x         |         x      
Aerial           |        x            |         x        |        x
Aquatic       |          x          |         x         |        x

and will be able to provide your pet with proper nutrition, as long as you buy the right type for your pet.
-you wouldn't feed a Lion leaves and pond plants would you?

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