The whole story

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Chapter 1
Amy was fifteen years of age. She was very good looking for her age and a lot of people secretly hated her for her great looks and perfect body. She was one of the most popular students in Drakeland High and used her popularity to get things. She had everything in her life to perfection, a gorgeous boyfriend, and lots of money as she came from a rich background, and many friends who respected her. The only thing wrong with Amy was that she had a big mouth on her and sometimes lost her temper with people over the slightest thing. She always seemed to get away from her mouthing offs due to her popularity that was until one day...

Amy had entered her geography class like any normal day, with the usual "Hello's" from all of her friends and the look of boys hoping to get into her panties. The only problem this day was that a new face was sitting in her seat at the back of her class; the cheek of someone daring to sit in her seat. Amy casually approached the girl, swinging her hips on the way so all the males looking at her could get a good look up her skirt to see her little white panties. Once she arrived at her usual desk she asked the girl what she was doing in her seat. The girls answer was nothing to do with the question Amy asked but instead a nice hello and an introduction to herself. The girl sitting in Amy's seat was named Sam. She was also very good looking, tall thin and had quite large breasts for a girl her age. Amy told the girl to move but was interrupted by her boyfriend who asked her to sit on the other side of him. Amy was not pleased that Sam had stolen her seat and as she turned away she gave her a long stare to show it.

Later on that day, after dinner Amy saw something that wasn't to her liking. She noticed that her boyfriend, Jake was talking to the new girl and seemed to be enjoying her company. Amy disliked this as she had been waiting all dinnertime for him as he said he would meet her at the bike sheds for a smoke. Amy approached them both and asked Jake where he had been, as she tried to keep calm. He told her he was showing Sam around and that he hoped that she didn't mind. Amy was angry but said it was okay. The three chatted for a bit and as they split apart for lessons Sam invited Amy over to hers after school had finished. Amy agreed as maybe she could find something that would embarrass Sam and tell everyone, leaving her on top.

Once school had finished Amy went to the meeting place where she had told Sam to meet her. Sam was already there and was talking to 2 very handsome guys who were 2 grades above Amy. Amy began to get worked up about this as she secretly fancied one of them whose name was Rob. As Amy approached Sam, the 2 guys left and Sam greeted her. They set on their way towards Sam's discussing and getting to know each other.

Once at Sam's house she stated that her parents were away for the week so Amy's company was appreciated, as she was alone. They went inside and Sam put the TV on and went into the kitchen for some drinks. When she returned she had sweets and biscuits as well as the 2 drinks she had left for. The girls chatted for about an hour and Amy began to change her views on Sam. She started to like her and found out that she shared a lot of interests with her.

Another hour passed and Amy needed to use the loo but didn't dare ask Sam. She thought that she would wait till she got home to relive herself. About half an hour later and Amy was busting to use the loo. She was just about to ask to use it when Sam butted in and asked if she would like to see the rest of the house. Amy agreed and tried asking again but Sam asked her if she would stop the night. Amy agreed again as they went about to view the large house.

By now Amy was really desperate to use the toilet and had to place her hands on her beautiful arse and her pussy to stop herself from embarrassing her self. Sam showed her most of the rooms in the house before Amy had the guts to ask her where the toilets were. Sam said that they were at the other end of the house and that they would go there now because she didn't want Amy to have an accident. Amy blushed at this remark as she began to follow Sam towards relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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