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Jacks Pov

I opened my eyes and imdietly started coughing up water that was in my lungs 'Oh god were am I?!.' I thought and looked around and all I saw was sand 'Fuck!' I thought I slowly stood up and cleaned myself a bit from the sand 'And I'm still in my prom dress..' I thought but luckily I still had my backpack with me that I had on me the whole time I tooled the dress off of me and putted on a shirt since I had shorts under the dress I took off my makeup wich took a while and I took off my gloves and I un-did my hair so it now looked like boys long hair the one thing I didn't take down was the crown and that was because the crown didn't fit in the backpack I throwed the backpack on my shoulders and I started walking 'Oh god this is gonna be a long walk' I thought as I walked and I looked up at the still dark sky it was 2 am as I looked at my arm clock that I grabbed out of my back pack.

1 hour and 34 minutes later I saw a palace in the thin air flying and it was dark and purple it also looked like my boyfriend place so I took out my phone and I looked at the picture that my boyfriend send me 2 days ago of his place "Holy snakes.." I said as I covered my mouth with my hand I was in my boyfriends realm in the realm where the gods lived I was freaking out but I decided to text Rose since here was somehow a signal..

Jack_the_LittleKind_Shit: Heyy Babe I'm outside your palace it's darn big XD

*Insert picture*

As I sended Him that I heard a sound that sounded like some big bird flying. But I soon saw Rose 'Uh oh I'm in trouble...' I thought as he landed infront of me "Jack how the heck did you get here?!" He said looking kinda angry "Well you knowww I was at my prom and then some guys started chasing me and I fell into a river in a really pretty place and I woke up here!" I said as I was looking him in his eyes he looked at me and then he shook his head "Oh god well you will have to live with me now since you have nowhere to go~" Rose said I just smiled really wide and said "Yes!" And started jumping he just rolled his eyes and picked me up and flied up to his palace and then he placed me down "That's cool!" I said "XIPHOS KAT!"  He shouted and then I heard some footsteps coming near "Brother!!" I heard Xiphos say "Yes?" Kat said "Meet my boyfriend Jack. " Rose said they looked at me and Kat said "It's nice to meet you." I smiled at her and said "It's nice to meet you too!" And then we heard Xiphos make some sort of exidet voice and he literally run up to me and hugged me almost crushing me "HIIIII! !! BROTHER YOU FINALLY HAVE A BOYFRIEND I'M SO HAPPY FOR BROTHER!!" Xiphos said whole turning to his brother and then letting me go as I was gaping for air "It's nice to meet you too Xiphos." I said smiling "Alright I'm gonna show you your room angel~" Rose said as he started guiding me "Okay!" I said and we both started walking.

"This is your room my room is right next to mine but I'm much more spending my time in the throne room~" Rose said as we walked in my room and I just threw my backpack in the corner of the room "Okay thanks!" I said with a big bright smile "NO problem love~" Rose said as he kissed my cheek. And we started walking back to the throne room the throne room had a table that had a rose painted on it his whole palace was black and purple I liked it.

As we arrived at the throne room he sat on his throne starting to think of something so I went talk to Kat "Hi Kat!" I said approaching her with a smile "Hi Jack." She said smiling a bit I smiled and gave her like 15 peices of cookies and I gave Xiphos too "Have these! I made them myself!" I said smiling while Xiphos looked confused? "Kat what is this?!" He asked so I assumed that he didn't know what this was "Well Xiphos it's a cookie it's a food but more sweet one." Kat said and Xiphos just made a 'Ohhhh' sound and started eating it he seemed to like it and I was happy I'm not really good at cooking so it is a suprise when I manage to make something good and not burn the kitchen down. I went up to Rose and said "Have these!" I said with a smile giving him 38 of the cookies he eated them and said "I thought you said you didn't know how to cook~?"  I just giggled and said "I don't know how to cook so it was a miracle that these cookies turned out good and not burned even though there was a little fire when I was making them.." I said with a smile and a awkward laugh at the end Rosey just pulled my on his lap and said "Well the cookies are delicious~~"  And he then kissed my cheek and I blushed madly
"Th-Thanks.." I said as he chuckled "Can I die your hair green." I said and he looked at me as if I was a maniac and he looked horrified too it was so funny that I started to laugh and he just rolled his eyes "Your lucky that I love you angel~"  He said and kissed my cheek again "And now go to sleep~"  He said and I agreeded since I didn't sleep much and I got up from his lap and walked in my new room and I instantly fall asleep.




Hai I hope that you liked this !It was kinda short... Love ya'll!💜💜💜💜💜💜  untill next time bye bye!!

words used:1053

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