Chater Three

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Other then the run in yesterday went smoothly, I heard that the popular duo is now a trio, good for Clara finally finding some friends. Today though, we are finally going to meet our main teacher. As I enter the misfits room I find a huge commotion, weapons being tossed, people dodging, however I found myself able to sneak around them and take my seat in the back corner, this place is really crusty, not only is it deep in a smelly cave. It's kind of cold...

As I look around I see Sobnock, yes the big blonde guy, just as expected was yelling about being demon king... or maybe that's his inside voice? I don't even really ca-

"Silence!" I jump as my eyes land upon the purple hair man. Of course it's just my luck id be getting Kalego. I noticed he had seemed to block all the weapons, easily. Otherwise they would have hit his side. Hehe. A small smile curved into my lips. That's when our eyes connected. "You are going to be our teacher Egg-Senpai!" Clara yelled. "Thanks to Vlac. I was framed spite my absence. Now I am this classes teacher." With that statement he looked away, my smile now fading. I hope I didn't look too pleased to see him...

I began to zone out looking out the window. As he called roll from his book. "YUKI HANAKI!" He shouted I jumped and realized he had repeated my name several times. "H-HERE!" I shout embarrassed. A few chuckled where heard in class.

"Now everyone outside you idiotic trouble makers. Today we determine your rankings." He growled. I watched as everyone fled the room before me. Until only me and Kalego were left at the door. "Pay more attention, Mrs. Hanaki." He said placing a hand on my head and guiding me out beside him. "Of course. Sensei." I whispered to him. I felt his hand flinch as I talked yet, it remained on my head until we walked to the cliff.

He now stood before the class explaining the race, we would need to cross the flag to finish the course. "Your ranks will be determined from the familiar summoning and when you pass the flag beyond the mist in the valley." I nodded understanding.

"I will explain further..." I begin to zone out again. I really don't care...

"We will begin the flying race. Ready go!" I snapped my head and watched most my piers zoom into the sky. "Oops it's already started huh." I begin to untuck my wings feeling two sets of eyes now on my back. "Woah." I hear Irumas voice say. I almost feel complimented.

With that I jump off the cliff, feeling my abnormally large wings catch me as I fly higher. I quickly looked back to see Iruma being kicked off the cliff... poor guy. I chuckled and waved to Kalego before talking the race seriously.

One by one I passed my piers. I could feel their stares on my back. Finally I catch up to Asmodeus being ridden by Clara. Do I really want to ask? "We are close." I said as I noticed the large cliff. I then landed beside Asmodeus and Clara. "It's a tie for first." Kalego said looking at me, I swear the tiniest of smiles present. "Where is Iruma-Sama?" Asmodeus asked. "Don't forget Clara!" She climbed off of Asmodeuss back. He sweatdropped. "Yes.. Clara."

"Yay!!! We made it to the goal!!!" Clara cheered on. I hum and walk to the side, taking a seat on the edge of the cliff. People began to fly in one by one. "We will announce the ranks! The lesson is over!" I hear Kalego shout. "But wait! Iruma-sama isn't hear yet!"

"Those who return will be abandoned." He coldly stated. A few seconds later we witnessed the Guardian of cutthroat valley fly in with none other then Sabock and Iruma. Of course.

We all got our ranks after, I luckily managed to secure a 4th like Asmodeus and the average was about 2nd. The guardian was tamed by Irumas grandfather and then the day started coming to an end. I clip my badge to my collar began to unfold my wings to take off. However I felt a hand grab mine. "Mind to take a small chat." Kalego Sensei asked.

He too unfolded his wings as jumped off the cliff, both catching air at the same paste, the tips of our wings touching. Finally the school comes into sight and we both land on the shingles of the highest tower. "Wooh. That was a bit of a ways flight." I said retucking my wings. He did the same. "Agreed." We both sad done and looked at the bright sun setting. It's beautiful colors so calming.

"So what's up Sensei?" I nudged his shoulder. He huffed and I watched as he brand out a notebook. "I haven't been able to get quite a read on you." I noticed it was labeled with my name, by his side where numerous other notebooks with student names. "All you have is..." I looked at the book. It was on its first page.


Yuki Hanaki          (Familiar Eshak )

Hair color - Black
Eye color - Blue
Wing / tail - Dark blue

Summary - semester one

Student seems able to easily accomplish tasks however lacks the drive to extend the possibles into great feats. Relationships with other student are slim and she is well reserved.


And that was it. I looked at him with a ??? Face. He just rolled his eyes. "I am usually a much better note taker." He stated. I chuckled a bit. "The teacher does his homework." I joked. He ran a hand through his purple hair.

"Answer some questions for me will you Mrs. Hanaki." He said in a soft tone. I nodded. And that's when he brought out a pencil and began scrubbing down in his book, and an angle which I could not see. "So uh... how would you describe yourself?" He said glancing up to my face. His eyes where soft, perhaps I'll enlighten him.

"I see myself as reserved, I try my best to stay collected. Yet a times I really dont like to go overboard. But I do sometimes, it leads to hurting at the dispense of my well being." He hummed. "Very well said." He said while jotting some stuff down and flipping a page. "Is there anyone in particular you look up too?" He asked. "Well..." I thought in my head.

Defiantly not my father. My brother, well I barely got to know him. My mother was never there. My friends slowly faded. My tutors where too harsh and my childhood was in shambles. "No. Cant say." I said. He nodded. "Any self goals?" He asked.

Again I thought. I really don't have any goals. Home is eh. Standards are eh. School is eh. Ranks are eh. People are eh.

"No." Okay stated bluntly. "Any hobbies." "No."  "Any interests." "No nothing particular." "Any close friends?" "No I don't like people." "Any favorite foods?" "No." "Did you lie about one or some of those questions?" I asked. I blushed as I looked at him. "Yes." He chuckled and set his notebook down.

"You are very hard headed." He said as he scooted next to me and placed his palm on my head as we looked in the sunset. I relaxed under his care. I feel so warm... what is this feeling. I watched as my tail behind me slowly started wagging. I found myself turning a deep shade of red hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Sensei." "Yes, Mrs. Hanaki." "If I used my bloodline ability to read you secrets what would they say?" I muttered. He looked at me with a tiny smile. "So you haven't already?" He questioned. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I find it rude to intrude, besides the person may share details I'm no entirely comfortable with knowing." I answered. "Well you could read mine, but I'm sure all you would find is that I collect cacti, I think they are cute." He answered. I felt tempted to peak and check. "No, I think I'll trust you on this one." I said not checking.

"Anyways Yuki, it was a pleasure I at least have a page full now. I must be taking my leave, I have to make dinner for myself." He explained as his stomach rumbled. I nodded and waved bye as I watched his wings unfold and he fly away.

And so I sat on the rooftop. I really enjoy his company even if is is just doing his job... I hope he enjoys mine a little too

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