Chapter two

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I again set off for school. My hair felt so good in the wind as I flew, it feels good to leave home. I land at the gate and walk past the student council at the entrance. I wonder when the battlers will be chosen? None of my concern really, I'll probably choose the first one i come across. "Hey, you are Yuki correct." I hummed as I stopped in my tracts in the halls Sullivan? "Chair demon, what a pleasure." I slightly bowed. He just laughed and patted my shoulder.

"No need to bow, now to the point. Say Child I heard you summoned your brother familiar?" He questioned. I sighed and raised my back, now looking into his eyes. "My familiar." I corrected him. He laughed and sweat-dropped. "Of course..... your familiar... I was just curious if you have had a run in with my Iruma-kun, with the intellect of your familiar I'm sure you have noticed, or it's about time you notice, he is special." I hummed. Now that I think about it. He does seem odd. "Listen I don't care about your grand child, what he does is no concern to me." I said. He just laughed and nodded. "But of course, you are one of the only people that could tell. Make sure that your familiar of yours is kept in check, alrighty?" He said cheerfully. I nodded and with that he again patted my head and made his way down the hall.

My bloodline ability is named 'Secret' when I stare at someone I could see anything they want to hide. Only if I want too, usually I am too lazy to use it. I chuckled to myself, approached by the chair demon himself. How obscure. Just as he was about to turn the corner I stare at his neck, however in the bubble where the secret appears, it was unreadable, as expected. Too many secrets for me to read.

"Yuki Hanaki." I jumped as I see a figure standing front of me. "Ahhh!" I screamed and ducked down in fright. It jumped a bit from my scream and took a step back. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I had opened my eyes to be met with Kalego. "Oh Sensei it's you." I said a bit relieved. He nodded and watched as I conducted myself, the scare had made my tail fall out of its tuck, so now it was dragging on the ground. He noticed. "Oh- uh your tail- it's uh-uh." He said embarrassed. I blushed and turn to see my tail I Yelp and pick it up off the ground and hold its tip. "Perhaps we talk more... privately? Are you nervous?" He asked. I am surprised at how his tone changed. It felt so light and soft, "uh yes. sure." I took his hand and dragged him into the empty battler room beside us, just filled with a bunch of books.

"Your injuries, are they well feeling better?" He politely asked. Yuki smiled a nodded, however Kalego wasn't convinced. As he towered over her he quickly grabbed her hand, and applied pressure. That caused her to Yelp out in pain. "As I thought ur body is still in pain, Why would you risk more injury by skinning your elbows for the sake of catching me." He said as his cologne filled her sent. It smelt fresh and almost flowery.

I opened my mouth, fishing for a response to justify my actions. However It would be more then inappropriate to explain my usually high attraction to him. "Uh..." I scratched my head nervously "Tch. Learn to speak." He said before letting go of my painstaking hand.

I just let out a nervous chuckle and watching him madly stride out of the room. Guess he doesn't like empty responses.

"So you have the hots for a guy way older then you huh?" I jumped as I turned and glared at my beast. "Eshak- it's not what you think!" Yuki curled up on her knees as she whinnied. He let out a deep menacing chuckle as he came closer. "Rise, it's pitiful to see a True demon with their head hung low." Yuki rose to her feet and looked up to her partner. He was feet taller then her. From her angle she could see into his nose, all there is was black fur, like the rest of him. "So why did you come?" I questioned. He let out a concerned humf. Sitting down an a random school bench and now looked her eye to eye. "Your heart rate, I thought you were in danger, however my mistake, It was just aroused. These human emotions are so pesky to read." He grumbled. I had a deep blush on my face.

"I was not aroused. I was just nervous Kalego makes me very jumpy." I reassured. He again let out a hardy laugh. "If you say so master, I will be taking my leave, call on me if you find hardship." I nodded and with that he disappeared.

Finally alone. There is not a change I would really consider being attracted attracted to Sensei, he is my teacher.... He is so cold and hard to talk to.... Yet so obviously caring and considerate....

Maybe a small crush. Here I thought it would be another year where I fail to be entertained ... haha

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