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this chapter start of with angy kirbo go "YOU R BANISH3D!!!!!!!!!!!" lol and den jenson says that he likes girls who can cum in his sock then ask for a divorce using the sock as evidence of cheating. brenda lies about how she can cook because she only SEASONS IT WITH SALT!!! omg a crazy plot twist the apple tree cheats on mark and makes out with jc instead?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! and cut scene to kirbo making some delicious water becos donits send a gif of kirbo in his undies cooking eggs because yes. kirbo says that brenda a sussy, sussy baka vakqjaqmdhjqkrjahfndidnm. sussy sus sus, she too sussy, sussy sus sus, but mark is so smart because he says BUSSY 😧😧 AND HE GET EVEN SMARTER BECAUSE HE SAYS BAPUSSY 🤯🤯🤯🤯 woah what a twist in plot, brenda tries to trick kirbo into getting married but kirbo pro gamer so he declined the marriage like a true gamer. because KIRBO WANTS TO MARRY JC INSTEAD!!!!!!! donita randomly walks in and says that benfred best boi because she likes his ass, anyways, kirbo want to marry jc instead 🤯🤯 so does jc accept?!?!?!? we ask jc in voice chat


jenson offers to beat your meat for 30$

ok jc do you accept?

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