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╔═════════════ chapter three.

╔═════════════ chapter three

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"Nurse Lane! Hello?" Ziggy calls as the bell rings announcing our presence "We're in trouble again, help.. Nurse Lane, c'mon I could die any minute now!"

Ziggy then looks to see the office door was open and walked closer to inspect it.

"Nurse Lane?" I call following Ziggy through the creaking door.

The red haired girl then spots an open book on the table and stares at a newspaper piece about Ruby Lane with a symbol called 'the witches mark'.

"What are you doing?" Nurse Lane asks behind us, I jump holding onto Ziggy's arm as we spin around.

"Oh my God!" Ziggy exclaims "Nurse Lane, you scared the shit out of us... are you okay?"

"I am... oh my goodness Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy what did we do now?" Nurse Lane sighs looking at Ziggy's burnt arm.

We enter the medical room and i watch as the lady applies a gel of some sort to Ziggy's arm.

"Ok, so you are gonna apply this once a day for three days, Ok?, it's gonna protect against infection"

"It's gross" Ziggy simply says watching as Nurse Lane gently smears the gel around her burn.

"You'll survive" She scoffs.

"So, umm... what's the Witch's Mark?" I ask curiously only for Nurse Lane to stop what she was doing and look at me.

"You know about my daughter, right? Ruby Lane?"

"Uh... I don't.." Ziggy mumbles and I nod at Nurse Lane's question.

"Of course you do, everybody talks, I know, tell me what do they say?"

"Uh, um... they say she, uh... she killed people... at a party seven, seven friends"

"Eight. She killed herself that night too, so eight, Ruby was such a sweet girl oh and she had a sweet voice... she was in choir she wanted to be a singer, I was so proud of her, so proud, the doctors say it was a psychotic episode that she just snapped," nurse Lane starts to apply bandages around Ziggy's arm.

"But the kids... the kids say Sarah Fier made her do it" She aggressively starts wrapping over and over.

"That's a little tight..." Ziggy exclaims looking from Nurse Lane, Me to her arm.

"What do you think?"

"I don't—"

"'Cause I think you don't go from being a sweet girl with dreams to ripping someone's insides out with a switchblade"

"Nurse Lane!"

"People usually kill for a reason and sometimes that reason is justified sometimes killing isn't murder sometimes it's necessary"

"That's hurting me..."

"Nurse Lane!" I yell causing her to stop and look at the two of us.

"Once a day for three days, OK?"

The bell rings causing us all to look at the door and i see a female stand there with a sweet innocent smile although her eyes look like they could kill someone.

"Hi Nurse Lane"

"Hi Cindy"

"Ziggy..." the girl named Cindy says coldly, Ziggy grabs my hand lifting me up as we exit the building.

"You realise what happens if you get kicked out, right? How awful that would be for me?"

"Did someone do something to Nurse Lane?" Ziggy asks looking back at the medical building, "Like make fun of her daughter or something?"

"Ziggy are you listening to me?"

"She was upset"

"I don't care! I... do you hear what I'm saying to her?" Cindy asks me and I look around then back at her.

"I- Um... Loud and clear ma'am"

"Well clearly she doesn't, we had this conversation last week and the week before that!"

"Yeah and again! I'm not gonna get kicked out" Ziggy argues.

"That's not what Kurt thinks"

"Yeah well Kurt can suck it"

"No! Ziggy, No!" Cindy says turning around her sister.

"If you get kicked out, I do too, mom can't work and take care of you, then how will I pay for college huh?"

Ziggy scoffs a laugh looking at her sister with a unbelievable look.

"Oh, that's funny to you?"

"Yeah kinda"

"Explain to me how that's so funny"

"How dumb you are?"

"Hey maybe I should just go ahead to our cabin so you guys can—"

"No stay here Y/n" Ziggy says holding my waist making sure I don't escape causing my face to heat up, "no one gets out of this town, not even miss Perfect, bet on your way out you get run over by a bus"

"Once in your life could you just not be so... so mean?"

"Could once in your life you just stop pretending? You're shadyside, in case you forgot" Ziggy says picking up a blue shirt throwing it at Cindy.

Ziggy let's go of my waist walking away and I sigh walking into our cabin alone, lay on top of my bed and start to sleep, all of a sudden a few minutes after I had drifted off the door smacks open causing me to shoot up from my bed.

"Y/n/n, hello babes!" Sheila calls and i look over at her furrowing my eyebrows whilst rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"Sheila? What are you doing—"

"No time to explain cupcake" she smiles 'innocently', she then grabs my hand and leads me out of the cabin winking at her friends mischievously and they dig into a bag.

Once we were further away from camp I look at Sheila as she stood there near the lake, no one else was here as they were getting ready for colour camp, she turns to me and smirks raising her eyebrow.

"A little birdy told me you had a thing for girls, is that true Y/n/n?"


Before I could say anything she wraps one arm around my waist and looks into my eyes before placing her free hand on my cheek bringing me in for a deep kiss, I freeze on the spot and then try to wiggle out off her grasp but she pulls me closer before pushing me into the lake.

I make my way up to the surface my whole face red with embarrassment.

"I've gotta admit... your pretty hot sweetie" she winks before walking away, I groan pushing my hair back off my face.


NIGHTWING // ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now