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╔═════════════ chapter four.

╔═════════════ chapter four

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AFTER A few minutes of cooling down I make my way back to Cabin five, I open the door sighing, as soon as my soaked self stepped into the room the dinner bell rang, i look up to see Ziggy's area covered in graffiti.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I curse quickly changing into a dark red top, dark green dungarees with a leather flower belt with converse, I race around the camp and spot Shiela who winked at me before going into the main hall to eat, fuck.

I then see Cindy following Ziggy to the cabin, i rush over tripping a few times, i slow down as I near the two.

"...I don't know who you are anymore but... but your not my sister" Cindy sadly says.

"Then who am I?"

"A monster"

I freeze on the spot looking at the two and Ziggy smiles nodding before opening her door giving Cindy a clear view of our room.

"That's what they all say!" She then drags me in the room before slamming the door in Cindy's face, leaving her speechless.

"Hey Zig... are you okay?" I ask reaching out for her.

'Carry On Wayward Son' then started playing in the distance and she looks at me with tears in her eyes which she quickly blinks away.

"I'm fine"

"Your clearly not..."

"Well you seem to be! Walking around kissing bitches, that's right, Sheila and her goons told me"


"What Y/n? Have you got something to say?"

"SHEILA KISSED ME NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND," I yelled starting to get frustrated "she...she found out I liked girls" I sigh.

Ziggy looked shocked, I couldn't tell if it was because Sheila kissed me, because I rose my voice or because I like girls.


"Not to mention she pushed me in that fucking lake, calling me nicknames, winking at me.. just playing with me in general!" I sigh.

"That bitch" Ziggy groans throwing her head back before looking at me "do you like her?"

"What?! Of course not! I like someone else.." I admit and she smiles a little.


"Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah... watch it! That's for me to know and for you to find out"

She comes closer to me smirking, you could practically see she was planning something!

"Zig... w-what are you doing?"

NIGHTWING // ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now