Chapter 3: Mach battle aftermath.

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Fire Emblem (Y/N): "Hey author-san, where have you been?"

Author-san: "School is a headache and I haven't been able to touch these stories for a while... I'm gonna publish a new chapter for you soon."

Fire Emblem (Y/N): "Oh alright. But after you publish this chapter, what will you do?"

Author-san: "Finish the Miruko x male reader chapter. It will be published soon as well, it's just that school is hard right now..."

Fire Emblem (Y/N): "It's alright author-san, take your time, a lot of readers and writers are probably in school too!"

Author-san: "You're probably right... but it's been almost 2 whole months since I updated..."

Fire Emblem (Y/N): "At least you published it... But stop being sad! we got a story to continue!"

Author: "Yeah! Onto the story!


After the Mock battle, the Golden Deer celebrated with a feast. It was here how the class learned how much (Y/N) could eat without getting full. Three days later, on the first Saturday of the month, both (Y/N) and Byleth were summoned to meet with Rhea.

Rhea: "Your work with the students was remarkable. I can see Jeralt trained you both so well. I do hope you both were able to use the occasion to bond with your students."

Byleth: "I did."

(Y/N): "I did as well."

Rhea: "I am so happy to hear it. Nothing would please me more than if you used this coming year to grow closer still." She smiles.

Seteth: "Of course, the mock battle was mere practice. The real fight is the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, which will take place during the Wyvern Moon. You are expected to properly train your students so as not to humiliate the academy during the long-held tradition that is the coming battle."

(Y/N) and Byleh both nod their head in understanding.

Rhea: "As for today, I have called you both here to tell you of your mission for the month ahead. I'm having both your classes team up to dispose of some bandits causing trouble nearby.

Byleth: "Bandits?"

Seteth: "Those affiliated with Garreg Mach Monastery have a moral obligation to help those in need, regardless of social standing. Students are no exception. Each month, before the newly birthed moon departs, each house of students must complete their assigned mission. You shall work to complete the task at hand alongside your students and report back to the archbishop before the deadline. Understood? I will soon provide you both with the necessary details for your first mission. If I told you now, I expect you would only forget, and I despise repeating myself."

Rhea: "I can sense something special within both of your hearts... I have high hopes for both of you." Rhea then leaves with Seteth, leaving (Y/N) and Byleth by themselves.

???: "Bandits, they say..."

Byleth and (Y/N): "!?"

???: "Do you recall when we first met? You shall not fall so shamelessly again, correct? Have you no words for me? Do not tell me that you are shocked to hear from me! You ought to know that I am always with you now. To hear my voice should not come as a shock."

Byleth was about to answer before she saw (Y/N) looking around the room on guard. Byleth was concerned.

Byleth: "Are you ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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