Chapter 28

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Byton city, the capital of Midaelia, rose in tiers along the course of Lockefell river. An extraordinary network of canals, crafted by Royal sorcerers and sorceresses of a time long gone, divided each of the districts. The upper district was Farren's destination today.

From where she led her mount up the ramp to the higher districts, the Royal Palace could be seen looming over the edge of a crest, right along the wall of the huge dam constructed across the river. Every year during the rains, the floodgates would open, and the canals would truly come to life in their full force, nothing like the tame, humble streams they were now.

As always, Farren kept her ears trained to catch anything exciting, but nothing seemed to catch her attention. Only the news of a shipment of spices going missing on its way from the isles rode the whispers of the common folk.

Well, ships sink all the time. Farren didn't think much of it.

The Henris manor towered before her. Ornate vines adorning the marble pillars in front swayed in the wind. The air of the upper district was calm and laden with the scent of flowers-- free from the clamour and stink of poverty of the lower tiers of the city.

The estate guards let her pass after a fleeting glance at her uniform.

An old manservant answered the door, and the fear of humiliation gripped her again.

What if they threw her out from the front door?

Nonsense. You're wearing the uniform of the Midaelian army, idiot.

"May I speak to Lady Tassya Henris?"

The old man gave a friendly nod. "Right this way, please."

The parlor he led her into was larger than her entire house. A grand chandelier shimmered overhead, its gold hue glinting off the spotless marble floor. Even here, in the hushed gossip of the servants, was the same news, but in more detail-- an entire fleet of ships transporting spices from the isles had gone missing.

With a jolt, Farren remembered the Henris family business-- import of exotic spices from the Brihurst Isles.

"The Lady has been ill for some time, so she receives guests in her chamber. If you'll follow me," said the old man and led her down a hallway before a pair of huge, mahogany doors left ajar.

Lady Tassya, Alastair's older sister, was seated on an armchair, talking to a young woman who was in tears.

"...we, the Henris, are ever by your side, whenever you need us. You have to be strong, and keep moving forward-- and get the business on track once again," Lady Tassya was saying to the woman, her voice soft and calm.

"A shame," said the servant quietly beside her, "ships gone missing, and her husband was on board. Not even a month since their wedding... Haven't you heard?"

So that's what everyone is talking about. Farren felt a stab of pain, seeing the young woman sob.

After she was gone, Lady Tassya beckoned her inside.

There it was, nervousness clawing at her once again.

Lady Tassya, stunningly beautiful despite the signs of weariness in her demeanor, was a woman in her thirties, and the oldest of the three Henris siblings. The resemblance between her and Alastair was obvious, although unlike her brother, she was not full of malice and nowhere near as arrogant. Her brows furrowed, noticing Farren's uniform, and she gestured to her to take a seat.

"How may I be of assistance?" Her voice was calm and gentle. So very different from her brother.

Delivering the bad news to her felt awful all of a sudden-- something that hadn't bothered her all her journey from Kinallen. What she had been worried about was getting kicked out from the front doors. Conveying the message should have been the easiest part.

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