Chapter 66

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The dark throne stood upon the stone dais, and atop it sat his prey.

Studded boots thundered in a steady rumble across the floor as he strode into the courtroom, making several heads turn in barely contained awe. He paid little heed to them.

This palace away in the capital, Glasswolf, was rather pristine compared to the proper fortress that was the Calbridge Castle of the west, stationing the detachments guarding the frontiers; a serene valley compared to a craggy, windswept cliff-face. The Drisian officials surrounding him were decked in expensive furs and silks and gold. The general and his Vasaen soldiers stood out from them in sheer contrast, with their boots muddied and cloaks dusty from days of marching.

"Now here's a face I'm happy to see!" King Krugmann hollered, waving bejeweled hands at the others. "Make way, people!"

One look at his face, and an afeard circle cleared away around Emric, who stood tall and gaunt. A black eyepatch now covered what was left of his right eye after a raven had gouged it out. Healers had managed to stop the infection, but failed to save the eye, which had blackened and rotted almost as fast as it had been torn out. No one escaped Draedona's wrath.

"You don't look so good, dear friend," said the king. His own flawless visage seemed to glow ever brighter, almost flaunting.

Emric couldn't care less. "I am thankful I am yet alive and can still fight with my own two hands, Your Majesty."

"And that's just how your priorities should be. Charm and glory..." said King Krugmann, squinting his eyes at the grotesque scars, his glee barely contained, "are frivolous things that don't...last. Incidentally, where is the Royal Sorceress? Is she no longer inclined to travel with you?" His eyes searched over the undead soldiers.

"She has left for Byton."

"What?" King Krugmann bristled. His sickly sweet demeanor changed at once. "You sent her off without sending me a word first?"

Emric smiled, folding his hands behind his back. "You misunderstand me, Your Majesty. What power has a mere general to order the Royal Sorceress around? She has made that decision because that's for the best."

But the king was not reassured. "You said Byton would fall by the night of Spring Fest! You will make sure of it--if you know what's good for you." Emric watched with amusement as King Krugmann's friendly mask fell away the moment one thing did not go exactly the way he wanted. It had not been easy, after all, to gain his trust. While he may have brought him to Drisia after Larton fell, his favour was a rather fickle thing the Midaelian had to work all his life to achieve. Now it's about time it pays off.

The general's lone blue-grey eye glinted dangerously. "Patience, my king. The winds are cold yet. The lands are still beneath Edis' silver wings. Spring has a long way to come, but when it does, Byton will burn." So will you, Your Majesty. "In fact, Royal Sorceress Avalyn has gone ahead of us to make sure the siege goes without hindrance."

King Krugmann sat upright, forehead wrinkled in thought. "While I do trust her judgement, I'm doubtful about this one. I hope she has a good reason for venturing into enemy territory."

Emric's voice took on a serious note. "She does. Draedona has attempted once to break out from the Chains and unleashed the ravens into the mortal world. The result has been... quite disastrous."

"I can see that." The king morphed his expression into a pained one. "I was worried out of my mind when I heard you were injured."

Emric laughed aloud, causing all except his Vasaen soldiers to rear back.

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