bonus chapter : Arjun's pov

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Arjun's pov

From childhood I was the center of sympathy, everyone pitied the dumped unwanted child,

Yes I was dumped outside orphanage when I was just a month old without any note , any name just dumped outside like a unwanted trash. The orphanage authority tried to find about my family but they were unsuccessful.

Luckily the people of the orphanage never treated me like a trash which I was, they treated all the children well , we were given proper education, proper food , and everything necessary for living.

I was a intelligent student from the start because of the school authority accepted me in higher class, I was always that well mannered good boy that your parents tell you to look upon but even after that I was never loved.

My little heart couldn't understand why my parents were not there with me, it longed to feel love and attention, it longed to feel how to feels to be important, I had many friends but non of them made ever feel cherished that I matter, when some families used to visit us for donations I used to feel sad looking at how the boy or girl was getting treated by her parents, my nights were filled with complain to God that why he made me Soo unloved and lonely , why I couldn't enjoy those affection like normal children's.

And just like that one day god listened to me, he send me Angel wrapped in fluffy white dress with chubby cheeks and big black eyes, Naina Roy , the stardust sprinkled in my gloomy life , my Tara.

From the time I meet Tara in that park my life was never that gloomy again , she was my bundle of sunshine. Every weekend Mrs.Roy  And Mr.Roy used to bring her to me, they to pitied me but at that moment I didn't cared because my all attention was snatched by that Brat. We used to spend the whole day together till visiting hours of orphanage were over. I was with her in every step, I thought her how to write a alphabet for the first time , she learned her first ever Rhymes with me,

Tara was a homesick child from the day one , when the first time she heard about going to school where she will have to be away for hours without her parents or me she made her parents pull their hair with crying, till they brought me to her and convinced her, with a request to the orphanage they managed to bring me with them for dropped Tara on her first of school.

As time started passing we become more close , to a point where we were each other world , She was my sunshine, my happiness and my Jaan ,

I completed my higher education early , and with the help of a scholarship started my higher education, the scholarship provided me a hostel to as my time in the orphanage were over.

Tara's parents offered many times for me to settle in their house but I didn't wanted to take advantage of them , They had given me Tara and I will be always greatfull to them for this.

Tara was everything to me and unknowingly I started to develop feelings for her , her smile would be enough to make me happy, whenever she used to hug me it made my heartbeat faster ,

One day Tara come running to me with a sad pout on her adorable face , " Aljun are you my brother." She asked me.


This nickname was enough for me to melt , it was my weakness, Whenever she calls me Aljun I feel home , it makes me realize that I have Tara in my life.

Hearing her questions my heart pinched, I didn't wanted to be her brother, it felt Soo bitter in my tongue, but yet for her sake I put up a smile," Do you want me to be your brother." I asked her gently , only I know how much strength I took saying those.

I will be whatever she wants me to be, as long as she is happy , her happiness is what matters to me the most.

Tara for sometime, then beautiful face scrunched up adorably, " No , I don't want you to be my brother." She said with a frown.

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