chapter 5

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Author pov

Shock would be a very small word to to describe Naina condition, she was staring at Arjun with mouth hang open not caring that the people around her are staring at her.

"Close your mouth Tara." Arjun said with a smrik.

"Yo-you what are you doing here." Naina asked trying to compose herself.

"Why Mumbai off course where I got transferred." He said with a wink.

"But your transfer was in Bangalore......wait you fooled me you stupid jerk." Naina shouted at the last and Arjun cringed

Naina shoot a quick apologize look around her looking at everyone glaring at her, she then turned towards Arjun and glared daggers at him.

"So this means you fooled internationally even after seeing my condition and today morning to you intensionally ignored me knowing very well how hurt I would be." Naina hissed in a low voce making Arjun pale.

Arjun gulped then give her a nervous smile." If I would have told you then you couldn't witness your surprise expression nah." Arjun said and ended with a teasing smile.

Naina rolled her eyes." Does mummy Papa know about this." She asked curiously

"Yes and what do you think why would someone like aunty would leave her precious daughter all alone in a unknown place." Arjun said

"I should have thought this." Naina mumbled.

"Okay now we will talk about later , it's a long journey, and now tell me what were you searching." He asked changing the topic.

"Changing the topic aren't we , ekbar ei public place theke beroi tarpor toke Ami dekhachi (" just let us get out of these public place then I will show you.")." Naina told him threateningly.

"Okay okay calm down tiger now tell me." Arjun said

"I m not able to find my earplugs." She told him shepishly.

Arjun took her handbag and took out the earplugs giving her a duh expression." Someone told me that they need it often Soo pack in the handbag not in the luggage." He said sarcastically while Naina smile embarrassed looking down.

"But tell me nah Aljun how are you here." She whined.

"You see when aunty and uncle were talking about your college my boss informed me about my sudden transfer to Delhi for five years and I immediately accepted it immediately my transfer was decided after three months and I thought till that time your results will be also out. Soo I told uncle and aunty and they were in cloud nine as you won't be alone." Arjun finished and Naina was looking at him with her jaw on touching the floor

"Soo this was the reason you were Soo desperately forcing me to sit for the entrance exam." Naina said as slowly everything made sense to her.

Arjun grinned." Correct and exactly after a week of your exam uncle visited here and found a two bhk apartment for us which is near to both your college and my office." He said

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