Cursed Love Part 1

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I'm in love with a fairy tale. Even though it hurts. Cause I don't care if I lose my mind. I'm already cursed." -Alex Rybak 'Fairy tale' . What makes love so precious so beautiful so powerful that it can be cursed. Whose to blame was it the love or the one who fall in love ? Better for us not to judge cause 'those who judge will never understand and those who understand will never judge.'.

'There is a very thin line between love and obsession. Love without guidance will only end up as an obsession, never-ending lies and pain. I, Li'er cursed myself to live alone and lonely till the day I die.' Pain erupted in his body and tears were streaming down his cheeks. He falls to his knees as he cried and wept bitterly. Everything had happened in the worst situation living him no choice but to accept it. Who could lend him a shoulder, for him to cry rivers. For the death of his innocent people that he could not hear and for the death of his parents that he could not weep. The table has turn if Romeo was crazy for Juliet and Qaif was crazy for Laila's love , their story is different Li Hua, the beautiful maiden who was crazy for Li'er's love. It turned into a deathly cursed that harm bot of them.

Li'er P.O.V

Was it my fault for being too nice ?

They were from different backgrounds of life, one was treated with care, affection, and love. Another one was treated as a warrior to fight and take care of the kingdom. They should have never crossed each other's path because it was at the wrong time at the wrong place.


The cold and wet breeze gently touched Li'er face as he enjoy the early morning while taking a few sips from the cup. He was reading a literary work that he just managed to get his hand on after a lot of days waiting for it from his pen-pal. A book entitled 'Story of Layla and Majnun'.

'What are you reading brother ?' asked his brother as he gently sat across him. A few servants quickly bring a cup of tea for him.

'Sahara send me this book, it's a literary works from the Middle east country. I 've read it but the story was too engaging for me to stop myself from reading.'. Li'er said enthusiastically as he smile towards his dear brother.

'Really .. what is it about. tell me ?' Li Jun love to see spark in Li'er eyes whenever he was telling story. He indeed believe that his brother is a pure soul and naive.

'It's actually about true love and how it was so powerful that made Qaif, a Majnun. It was actually quite similar with 'Romeo and Juliet' but I like this one better. I am just wondering... was love that powerful till it made one suffer from it cause I will gladly choose to not fall in love.' said Li'er emphasizing his point.

'What a big word for a little person like you .. Beware of your words brother.You are too young Li'er and naïve too. One day, you will understand.' A smile plastered on his face to reassure Li'er.

Out of sudden, a servant approach them with news.

'Crown prince Li Jun and Li'er , the special guest from the Liang sect are about to arrive. Your Highness told me to escort both of you to the hall now.' Said the servant.

'Sure.' Both of them follow the servant to the main hall. It was full of gold and white decorations. Gold which signifies the Liang sect's colour and their great achievement in military and weaponry. No country or sect dare to challenge the Liang sect. This year can be considered as a blessing as the Liang sect decided to visit and stay for couple month in Xue sect. It was mainly to create a strong bond between the Liang sect and Xue sect. Not to mention, Xue sect which was very prominent for its abilities in medication and great doctors who managed to create medication for lots of illnesses.

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