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Reed, Willow and Vicki sat around the dining table in an awkward silence

Willow toyed with her food, using her fork to push it around her plate. This isn't how she had imagined it going down, her brother's girlfriend was an absolute bore.

"Willow, your hair looks really good," that was Vicki's attempt at making conversation.

Willows brown curly hair was styled big and wild, strands of hair framing her face.

Willow was trying her hardest to be nice, "Thank you," she said quietly.

"Your brother told me your roommate was a complete stranger, is he nice?"

Willow narrowed her eyes at her brother, then looked over at Vicki, "My brother likes to exaggerate, I told him that I knew him, we just haven't kept in touch,"

"It's still dangerous Will, you don-"

"Reed I didn't come here to get lectured,"

"Willow, I'm serious,"

"I'm not doing this," Willow got up from her seat.

Vicki pointed toward the kitchen, "Back doors right through there,"

Maybe she's not that bad.

Willow stood on the porch, cold air nipping at her nose, she pulled out a cigarette and placed it between her lips.

She held a lighters flame to it's tip and inhaled lightly. Willow always liked the feeling smoking gave her, it felt like a warm blanket wrapped around her lungs.

The neighbors door opened and out came a large brown dog and right after him, a girl came out. She had long black hair and green eyes, her skin was a golden brown. Around Willow's age.

"Hey," Willow said softly.

The girl jumped in surprise, her eyes were large and she held a hand to her chest. "You scared me," she exclaimed with a slight smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to,"

The girl shook her head, "No problem, name's Sophia,"


"Got another?" Sophia asked.

Willow took out her pack of Marlboros and gave one to her.

Sophia lit her cigarette and took a few drags.

Both girls stood in silence.

Sophia raised her eyebrow at Willow "So, I haven't seen you around,"

"Yeah I just moved here, to go to CalArt, I'm having dinner with my brother tonight,"

"Oh wow, I wish I was good at art," she takes a drag, "I'm at UCLA, taking psychology," she said in an exhale, smoke flowing from her lips.

"That's cool,"

"Yeah, the only good thing about not moving out is I'm saving a bit of money, I guess,"

Willow dropped her cigarette onto the ground and considered taking another, but she decided against it.

"You free Friday?" Sophia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess,"

"Great, meet me at the diner down the road at 12," Sophia took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Willow, "Give me your number and I'll call you,"

"Uhm, cool, I'll make sure to come,"

Sophia put her cigarette out in the fence then let it fall to the ground.

"Better head inside, nice talking to you,"

Willow went back inside, Vicki and Reed were still seated at the dining table, having what looked like a pleasant conversation.

She sat down quietly and poured herself a glass of wine.

The smell off tabacco traveled with her to the dining room.

"I thought you quit," Reed said.

"Yeah, I did, but it's been a stressful week,"

Reed nodded at his sister curtly.

"It'll kill you, you know?" Vicki added.

Willow shook her head and said nothing else.

After dessert, Willow thanked the couple for inviting her over, called a taxi and went home.

When she stepped into her dorm, Ajax was passed out uncomfortably on the couch.

Slowly Willow approached him and tapped his shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you to bed,"

Ajax mumbled in response.

"Ajax, come on,"

His eyes opened slightly, "What?"

"You've got to go to bed,"

Slowly, he peeled himself off the couch and walked over to his room, almost losing his balance twice on the way.

"Night Willow," he said in a sing song voice.

"Night Jax,"

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