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connie groaned as the familiar pair of small hands attempted to shake him awake.

"daddy wake uppp!" the small child whined, her hazel orbs never leaving his face as she waited for his eyes to open.

"mhm.. gimme 15 more minutes gigi.. i promise imma get up." he yawned, shooing her small hands away.

the corners gianna's lips curved downwards into a small frown. she mumbled a quiet ok before an idea popped into her head.

pulling the covers away from her body, she jumped out of the large bed she shared with her dad. walking into their bathroom, she attempted to brush her teeth as well as wash her face just as she'd seen her father do.

gianna began to quietly walk out the door of their room, her large, untamed curls bouncing with every step.

her feet touched the cold tiled floors of the apartment as she hurriedly made her way to jean's room. arriving at his large, white painted door, she bawled her tiny fist up, knocking three times.

"who is it?" he asked from the comfort of his bed, his voice a bit raspy which led gianna to the conclusion that he had also just woke up.

"gigi!" she whisper yelled.

instead of a response, gianna heard and watched as the golden nob on jean's door twisted whilst he opened it, revealing the tall man she recognized as one of her favorite uncles. jean's attire consisted of pajama pants along with a white wife beater.

"jeanie come wake papa up pleassssee! i'm hungry." she begged, tugging on the hem of his top.

jean stared down at her face, sighing before letting out a deep chuckle.

bending down to her level, he ruffled her curls. "how about i just make you some breakfast instead of waking him up? then we can eat it in his face!" jean suggested, watching a satisfied grin crawl amongst her face.

she nodded her head eagerly in response. jean stood back up, holding his hand out for her to grab. together, they walked to the kitchen.

jean picked gianna up, placing her on one of the stools in their kitchen. he then began getting out everything he needed to cook.

"you want waffles and eggs?" jean asked, already knowing the answer. his eyes stayed on the hot pans full of food in front of him.

"mhm!" gigi replied in a humming tone excitedly.

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gianna hummed in satisfaction as the fluffy waffles drenched in syrup entered her mouth. jean sat next to her, watching her eat with joy written all over his face. he started eating the eggs he cooked until he heard footsteps growing louder as they got closer to both him and gianna.

while gianna's eyes lit up in excitement, jean's just rolled back before moving back to his food.

"eren!" she swallowed her food before steadily hopping off the tall stool. she tugged on his pants which was something she always did when she wanted to be picked up. eren was the tallest in their apartment so whenever he picked her up she felt as if she was a giant.

a small grin made its way to eren's face as he picked the small girl up. he looked at the two plates of food jean made before looking back at her.

"you didn't tell jean to make me any breakfast? i thought we had a deal gi!" eren said to her as he held her in his large arms; his slender fingers poking at her stomach causing giggles to escape her mouth.

"i..forgot..?" she nervously responded in a questioning tone, her hands making their way to his messy man bun.

"mhm.. i was gon get you that barbie too.." eren teased her. her eyes widen. "no no, i'm sorry! get me the barbie eren please!" she pleaded, her hands tugging at his shirt.

"eren stop teasing her. i'll buy you the barbie gigi." armin spoke from the living room, causing their heads to snap towards the direction where the blue eyed man sat on the couch.

"when did you even get here?" eren asked, placing gianna back down on the stool so she could continue to eat. she quickly finished up the last bit of her food, running over to where armin sat on the couch.

"will you really buy it for me?!" gianna questioned him. "yes, i'll buy it for you gigi. and don't let eren tease you! i tell you all the time." armin pointed his finger in her face, placing her on his lap as he looked for something to watch on tv.

"okay.." she responded before sticking her tongue out at eren.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

about two hours passed and connie finally woke up. he took care of his morning hygiene before making his way to where he assumed everybody was.

as soon as he opened the door to his room, he heard the laughs and giggles from both his friends and daughter.

he walked out the room, watching as gianna and jean chased after eren while armin recorded everything, unable to hold in his laughter.

eren's hair had fallen out of the messy man bun he previously had as he continued to run (which was actually a jog since it was gianna, a three year old chasing him.)

connie laughed at their interaction, walking over to the kitchen. his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at a plate which had nothing but syrup on it.

"gianna is this plate yours?" connie inquired grabbing her plate before placing it down in the sink, rinsing the syrup off. the sound of his voice caused her, jean, and eren to put an end to their game of cat and mouse.

"look who's awake." jean mumbled before taking a seat next to armin on their couch.

"yes it's mine. jeanie made me waffles and eggs!" gianna answered enthusiastically, running over to her dad.

"oh really? where's mine?" connie asked loudly, expecting an answer from jean.

"you were sleep daddy so jeanie made you no breakfast.. but i tried to wake you up!" gianna looked up at him with eyes he thought were the cutest. the same eyes he'd always give in to.

"oh okay.. it's okay gianna i should've woken up earlier." he patted her head, hiding the disappointment he had in himself.

connie often tended to stay up late then sleep all day which something he wasn't too proud of. while his daughter was ready to start her day, he was always in bed, sleeping.

he appreciated the fact that his friends were here to be with gianna early in the day, keeping her busy and making her breakfast, but he couldn't help but feel guilty. i'm her dad aren't i?

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cute lil chapter i guessss

either chapter two or three is when y/n will be introduced!
gianna better tell connie to wake his ass up!
please vote and comment!
have a great day, i love you

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐮𝐯, connie springer Where stories live. Discover now