1: The Victim's Terrible Life 😂😂😂🤔🤔🤔☺️☺️☺️🤢🤢🤢😭😭😭😢😢😨😨🤔🤔😫😫😫👿👿👿👌👌👌👣👣👣👣👣😑😑😑😑🤬🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮

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It was a typical Wednesday morning, the grass was covered in the early morning dew and there was a slight morning fog. Nothing too out of the ordinary. A great morning to go to work without the weather hassle. Justin turned off his alarm clock, knowing that he has another boring day of school to attend to. Justin rubbed his eyes, looking at the time: 6:30. It was pretty formulaic at this point. It's been a few months since school started and he has gotten used to waking up on time. He groggily completed his usual morning routine as well as having plenty of time to eat breakfast. His mom had gotten off to work which was the usual, his father doesn't work till the afternoon.

He took his sweet time going to school because he isn't a nerd. Despite how boring the classes are, he couldn't help but feel that he belonged in his school. Unlike most high schools which contains all assholes, his school breaks the whole stereotype. The buff, macho Seniors are friends with the wimpy, short Freshmen; the "cool kids" are the band kids and honors students. The students sometimes act like little kindergartners. Literally. In a sense it was kinda wholesome. Justin never expected to make plenty of friends but life often had surprises. When he went into high school he expected everyone to become suddenly mature. Nope. Everyone is acting like middle schoolers. Not that he's complaining.

When arriving on campus, Justin took out a one-dollar bill and insert it into the vending machine.

"Yo, Justin." Exclaimed Octavian, one of Justin's acquaintances.

"Sup," Justin greeted then continued to mind his own business.

The school bell rang which only made Justin groan. He had to attend Algebra 1 which was very draining. But it's not like he can complain or do anything about it. At least he had some friends in that class to make it a little entertaining.

"Pssh," A classmate called out to Justin.

"What?" Justin whispered back.

"I have committed a felony." The clearly class clown simply stated out of the blue.

Justin didn't know why but it seemed to make him chuckle a little. That's the magic of Jason. He always seem to make everyone laugh including the Algebra teacher which was tough to do. Not only that but he looked like he was ripped out straight from the 90's. He had a blonde bowl-cut and everything. Justin's surprised that he hasn't been teased about his haircut.

"Jason," the Algebra teacher puts her hands on her hips, tapping her foot on the floor repeatedly. "I know you want to joke around but now is not the time.

"As a matter of fact since you seem so sure of yourself, why not do the problem on the board?"

Some students snickered. Jason shrugged, "I was just...um... kidding. Really."

The teacher doesn't buy it, she just gave a smirk. "Come on, just do the problem on the board."

Jason sighed and stood up. Justin gave him a thumbs up. Jason slowly walked up to the whiteboard and studied the math problem, it's a multi-step equation with variables. Crap. Using his best method, mental math, he attempted to complete the equation but failed.

"Where's your work?" The teacher asked. "You know the drill."

"I can do it in my head." Jason replied, still confident.

"You didn't even got the problem right, what are you talking about?" The teacher sassed. "Besides you know how I feel about mental math. You need to show your work."

"But I can do mental math." The freshman protested, not admitting defeat.

The teacher rolled her eyes. She wasn't angry or upset, just a bit annoyed. "Just go to your seat."

Jason hurriedly walked to his seat, his face as bright as a tomato. Somehow, someway, he was still smiling and as confident as ever. Justin struggled to hold in his laughter since he too doesn't want to solve any rigorous problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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