Chapter 47

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Just like it was planned, it was supposed to be a happy ending, like most stories out there, with Tyler's Mother coming out with big smiles and tight hugs and make immediately the pressure that lasted for a decade disappear, disappearing including with April's face filled with sorrow. At then end Tyler was supposed to kiss her, hug her, laugh at her earlier behaviour, and tell her how much he loves her again, and again, and again while they reestablish their love.

No, but that didn't Happen.

He was leaning besides April on the car they came together waiting for the final result since his mother thought it wasn't so much a good idea to have the children in adults business. So they were outside receiving the not so satisfying wind and he tried to make her smile even if it's for the slightest, already thinking how what they'd do after this meeting, maybe go to an aquarium, or visit a gallery again. Sadly, the next event after his wide smile with April was his Mother rushing out of the house and for the first time, he thought it was already over, and his plan had failed, surprisingly. He never expected that.

It happened really fast as his mother couldn't bare to spend a second more the moment she got in the car, "drive." She was still holding her hanky when she spoke, not giving him much time to take a last look on April when he started driving, he could only see her walking towards her house through the drivers mirror beside him. Everything was collapsing he couldn't say a word to his mother the moment they arrived hope.

As for April, she cried after what happened that afternoon, embarrassed and shocked to her limits and she cried every time her mind reminds her of the faces Tyler and his Mother had seconds before leaving, now she wondered if she could ever forget the red eyes on her face, and Tyler's most depressing look. How could this have happened?

Suddenly she felt a sea of courage rushing into her mind and she had the strength she needed to stomp out loudly on the wooden floor as she walks downstairs directing her raging red eyes at her Mother sitting comfortably on the couch, she also had this slight but noticeable glare. This was happening for the first time in a very long while. "If I may ask why are you looking at me like that?" Her Mother asked.

"Why?..." April slowly nods her head while licking her lips finding a way to burst out.

"Why? You ask?"

She looks at her Mother right in her eyes, "why? You f.. f-fucking ask!" She shouts so loudly while hitting aside the glass jar on the stool close to her mother.

"Are you out of your mind? April." She spoke calmly, not even fazed by the sudden sound of shattered glass.

"Yes! I am fucking out of my mind! I am fucking out of my mind! After what you just pulled here earlier. What there hell is wrong with you Mom? What the fucking hell!?" She furiously kicks away the stool this time provoking her Mother. "If you break one more thi..."

"Oh I'm ganna break every single thing in this room and it still won't compare to and inch of what you just broke today."

"April what is wrong with you?"

"Everything is wrong with me! Everything! Can't you see that!? You never really understood me. I always make sure on being the perfect daughter all the time, and you only want to see the outcome, no no, not the struggle because you don't care!"

After listening to that her Mother was forced to stand up aswell, "April, I care for you more than anything in this world..."

"When did you care? When? How?" Tears starts to roll down her eyes and her whimper began, "after all I've done for you, for once you won't let me have what I deserve? After everything? I respected you like no other in this world, I believed anything you say, I do anything you say. Not once have I disobeyed you. Not once! And you can't even let me have what I finally feel is my own. My choice."

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