Chapter 14

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"So basically she left Alex for the other guy because she thought she'd have a better life with him." Jake couldn't get the equation into his head to make any sense out of it after hearing the whole story from Tyler; however at some point she made a pretty good choice, but he's ignoring that fact and still regretted one thing for sure. 'I shouldn't have given her a chance to even see him.'

"Yeah. Dreadful right?" Tyler sighed as he and Jake share the unpleasant news underneath the shelter provided by a set umbrellas stationed beside Normals. "This is way beyond dreadful." Jake ridiculously fidgets his arms, "if it was me, I would've been in my room crying by now."

"Well, You can guess where Alex is right now." Tyler chuckles half-heartedly.

"It's not funny."

"I wasn't joking," he rests the case with a deep slurp from his sweet orange juice mixed with pineapple. The mood was becoming peaceful and fragments of the moments spent with April has started diving into his head until Jake decided to be Jake. He asks the most stupidest questions. "What about you and the glasses girl." He smirked but Tyler intentionally gave him a complete alien expression, 'what is he talking about?'

"What? I mean the girl with the pink sorta hair... Beautiful... Not so tall..." He describes with his hands as if a mage from the mythical ages casting an almighty magic.

"Oh. You mean April? Lol. Nahh." He laughs it of. The only thing he could do to try to get out of the ridiculous thinking Jake's trying to put in his head. "Don't lie to your buddy man. I know you."

"To be honest. That has never crossed my mind." He swears honestly and when Jake noticed that he was convinced, he almost immediately freaked out meanwhile it wasn't really a big deal, but to him it was.

"What!? Are you out of your mind!?.... That's your chance to score the best goal ever." He chuckles.

"Whoa whoa. Slow down. What did you say? And keep your voice down a little." He said that, but he also thought the same, April just seems irresistible even from amongst her classmates.

"Oh, i forgot you only know how to score imaginary girlfriends. Sorry." Jake rolled his eyes.

"Lol. You are stupid. Why are you so stupid?" Tyler tries to ignore the conversation and went for his juice one more time. "So you ain't doing it..."

"What? No!" He tries not to sound loud but his voice gave away, "that's absurd. You're the only person thinking like that."

"Am I?... Dude, everybody got the clue... Except you and the glasses girl."

"Her name is April."

"Right." Jake laughs but noticed he was nowhere near convincing Tyler. "Well. It's a good thing these days you don't talk much about your dream girl."

"I will punch you if you push it." Tyler groans, making an unexpected signal for Anna and she could pinpoint his voice even in the midst of the crowd and additionally Jake's over-ear gave them away. She could identify Jake from a mile away, well, she could identify anyone from a mile away.

She casually joined their company with her usual flirty grin, not that it mattered to Tyler, in fact he was glad she came, Jake will have a reason to keep his mouth shut. After her usual type of greeting and the slight chit chat, Alex was the first person she thought of, "How's Alex doing." She asks and Tyler felt relief and thought how sweet she was to change the topic so fast, 'she's sweet just like her lemon dress.' His clever eyes scans her hard to ignore outfit. He was sure she wore it just to attract attention.

Conversations with Anna were usually fun, but Jake didn't so much like her presence at the moment-or any other time because she was a threat to his kind of person. 'She talks too much.' He always answers. He was silent the whole time and the moment was starting to become Tyler's best while Anna spoke on how studying is taking a tole on her. Always getting a headache, at least four times a week.

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