You and your friends Ollie and Minx/JustaMinx (idek what the name Ollie is sorry-) are all hanging out in your school hallway talking, making jokes, ect but then the principal on the speaker is saying how there will be a new student coming tomorrow and he will be in Mrs. Cole's class (your class) you jump up in excitement hoping that you can become friends, Ollie: woaaaah y/n slow your role what if there a bully i cant defend you all the time he says sarcastically. y/n: ugh, rude and i doubt it. Minx: idk y/n you did this last time with the new student. Y/n: ik ik guys but what if there really nice! The principal again: come on stupid mic oh!? Ok so the new sudent is!.. Karl Jacobs (please tell me if he doesn't like this kind of stuff ill delete) Y/n: See! Karl doesn't sound like a bully name Minx (pretend minx dosen't know karl :]) Minx: ok fine but if they cause a problem its not my fault. Y/n: ik Minx -Bell rings- Ollie: ok stop yalls bickering we gotta go to class Y/n: Oh shut up Ollie and were not bickering you say sarcastically.-time skip to when your done school- Ollie: Wanna go to my house guys, you and Minx say sure. -you guys go to Ollies house- Minx: Y/n, i get the feeling your gonna have a crush on the new guy.. Y/n: Ugh i swear to god Minx I WONT Ollie: ok ok SLOW IT DOWN YALL lets just play some minecraft and stream you and Minx say "fine".. you guys each have your own gaming set up at Ollies so they host it on your channel . . .-currently 36,699 watching- Y/n:OK GUYS WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM! Todayyy i have 2 of my best friends here MINX! ANDD OLLIE probably a lot of you heard of minx she had her on channel on twitch, YouTube, TikTok, ect ectt
-You guys play minecraft and some starveiw valley- :D (sorry if i spelled it wrong) Chat: GO MINX YES KILL THE ENDER DRAGON Karl Jacobs: Your really good Y/n! :] KARLL OMG POGGERS Karl Jacobs: mabey sometime we can stream together :D
Y/n -freezes for a second- Minx: Y/n Y/n Y/N! Y/n: y- yeah sup Ollie: dude you zoned out at chat. Y/n yeah ik im fine and uh yeah ofc we can stream some day soon karl :).. And im ending the stream for tonight remember to drink at eat tonight and no guys just drinking monster doesn't count <3 . . -its currently 2:38 am- Minx: We should go home Y/n its late. Y/n: fineee bye Ollie GO TO SLEEP Ollie: FINE bye yall -the next morning (btw theres gonna be a bit of swearing :]) -your phone- -BING- -incoming call from "the bitch Minx<3"- You answer: "hi asshole" is the first thing you hear (btw its friday) Y/n ugh what Minx. Minx: GET YO ASS READY FOR SCHOOL ME AND OLLIE ARE WAITING FOR U.! Y/n oh shitt.. K GTG -call ended- -you get ready and go to school on the bus- -Minx sits next to you- Minx: duddee you look like shitt Y/n: tHaNkS well i didn't have time to get dressed in the moring properly Minx: welll i think that is the new kiddddd OoOoOOoOOoOoo Y/n: o.m.g -you slouched down- Minx: ooohh is someone havingg a crushhh Y/n:shut.up.bitch. Minx: oooohh hes coming im just gonna go behind youu -she slowly walks aroud your seat- -Karl comes to you- -you quickly fix your back- Karl: hey Y/n right? I heard you and your friend talking :] Y/n: yea! Thats me, im guessing Karl? Karl:Yup (This is what ur wearing btw)
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Karl: is this seat taken? All the other ppl on the bus have ppl beside them:[ Y/n oh thats ok ofc you can sit here! :)) Karl: Thank you Y/n ! -you all get to school- Y/n ok so i think you got the e-mail about your classes? Karl: e-mail? I didn't get any e-mail Y/n: Oh! Thats ok we have the same classes :)) first class is Social-studies its in 25 mins ill show you the way later see you then! Karl: ok bye Y/n!! Y/n: Bye Karl! -Minx walks around from the corner- Minx: OOoOoOoOoooOo Y/nnnnn Y/n: oh no not againnn ughh what Minx. Minx:You know what ill make a bet woth you if you can get his number by the end of the day ill give u 50 bucks. Y/n: Deal. -you shake hands- Minx: anywayyy 5 mins before Social! I thinkk someeonesss waitinggg ;) Y/n who? oh- OH I GTG BYE ASSHOLE.! Minx: omfg bye bitch -you run to the main hallway waiting for karl but.. hes already there- Y/n: omg sorry im late. Karl: no its totally ok:)) Y/n: ok just follow me! :] -you and karl,minx,ollie all go to class and you help Karl a bit -2 classes after its lunch- you have your lunch and so does Minx and Ollie. Ollie: -points to Karl- look at him confused where to get food he looks like he neeeeddss heeelllllppp ;) Y/n: Minx told u the bet didn't she? Ollie: yup! So what are you waiting forr go get him bitchh Y/n: Hey! Karl you look a bit lost did you need help finding the food? Karl: yes, do i look like a fool.. :( Y/n: no not at all! Trust me i was much more awkward on my first day then you! Anyway follow me to the food plus i deffo want more mac n chesse Haha -you show him to the food and then invite him to your table with your friends- you guys laugh tell some jokes and you and Karl become really close. Y/n uh karl btw can i have your number?
To be continued... Authors note: eat and get hydrated kids no monster does not count. <33