01. UA high

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there's a cover coming for this fic soon, the app i use is tripping and it's not working rn.



"A kid," Shigaraki uttered as he glanced at you up and down through the glove-like hand that was stuck to his face.

It seemed like he wasn't too pleased at the fact of letting someone as young as you, join the league and would be of any use. You were observant, very observant. Considering that you were surrounded by powerful people. "You didnt tell me that she was a kid." He went on, his tone becoming more aggressive as he turned to Toga.

"I'm not a kid dammit." You muttered back, aggravated at the fact that he was treating you like one.

"Quit complaining. I wouldnt of brought her here if she wasn't serious about this." Toga rolled her eyes.

"You seriously brought a kid here," He continued, now talking more to himself than anything. "And now she knows where our spot is at." He ran his fingers through his rough hair.

"What's in the bag?" A guy in the corner of the room elegantly spoke, noticing the bulky bag you carried on your back.

You glanced over with an eyebrow raised. "What?"

He raised his fingers pointing at you. "One of you search her bag." Shigiraki spoke as you turned to him. "If your gonna make this deal we gotta make sure this isn't some kind of set up."

You felt someone coming in closer behind you. You hated when people came up from behind you without warning.

You instinctively turned, holding out the palm of your hand in front of mr.patchwork who reached out to grab you. His eyes widened as he was suddenly blown back. The chairs and tables behind him scrapping on the ground from the sudden pressure of wind, before his body slammed against them.

Dabi groaned on the ground, struggling to get up. Everyone around you was hesitant to move, completely taken off guard on what u just did.

"Dont walk behind me like that." You warned him

"You damn brat!" Dabi groaned in frustration, his hand igniting in blue flames as he stood up, lunging for you.

You smiled. What an idiot.

You held your hand up in his direction again, but both of your limbs were separated by a purple and black portal.

"Lets all just calm down, please." Kurogiri announced from behind the bar counter.

So this is his quirk? You slowly took your arm out of the portal, Dabi doing the same.

"Age shouldn't matter right now. She can still be of use to us."

Shigiraki scratched at his neck as he sighed. "Fine. If you want to join then you have to prove to us that you want to join." You looked at the man with shaggy blue hair as he sat comfortably at a bar counter. "Have you heard of UA High?"

UA High? That name did sound familiar to you. "Aint that the school where people train to become heroes?" You questioned.

Shigiraki nodded his head. "And you look pretty young so, if you want to join our group, enroll as a student there."

"How do you expect me to do that?" You scoffed.

"You wanna join so bad, you should find a way." He rasped.

His attitude was starting to piss you off. "Fine. Then what?"

"You'll do some spying. Give us any useful intel that might benefit us and my goal."

"We're giving the most important job to a kid?" Dabi rasped as everyone glanced at him. "This is stupid."

"You talk so damn much." You were quick to reply back to Dabi, rolling your eyes and turned back to Shigiraki who aggressively scratched his damaged neck. "Being surrounded by wanna be heroes for eight hours straight doesnt sound like its worth the trouble."

"That sounds like fun to me!" The blonde girl cheerfully said as she poked at her knife with her fingertips. "Why cant I go? Ive been here longer than her." She pouted, sinking into her seat.

Shigiraki was getting impatient as he aggressively tapped his finger on the ragged wooden counter beside him, his irritation causing him to scratch his neck even more. "Beggars can't be choosers kid. Either you'll do this or you can leave."

You took a look around the room one last time. Do you really wanna work with these people? Sure you did have a short temper, but it seemed like working with them would make it even shorter.

You turned to walk out the door. You basically just thought fuck no, and fuck this. You could probably find another group to be with. A better one.

As you reached for the doorknob, a knife flew past your head and stuck on the door. The knife was so close, you heard it fly past your ear before it actually landed on the door. You slowly turned around, glancing at Toga, the one who threw the knife.

"I did say you could leave," Shigiraki's voice made you glance over at him. "But I didnt say you could leave alive."

"Fine." You nearly shouted. "I'll do your shitty job."

Lets just say taking the provisional license exam was basically a breeze. No pun intended, of course. I mean, all you had to do was knock a few robots down and get points. You had pretty basic control of your quirk, simple things really. But you never knew your limit. You've never been tested to that point..

You glanced up and down at your paper, looking for the right room number as you roamed the school's halls.

This is such a damn pain. You thought to yourself, getting frustrated at the fact that you couldn't find the right room. You were in the class 1-A but somehow managed to get all the way in the 2-E section. If I dont find this classroom in the next ten minutes, i'm just gonna leave. You crumbled up your paper in your hand in anger as you continued to mindlessly roam around the school.

After what felt like days of walking, you uncrumbled your paper and glanced up at a door you stood in front of. "Are there giants in there?" You questioned yourself while staring at the ten foot door. You slowly creaked open the door and took a deep breath, and walked in.

Noone really paid any attention towards you because most were goofing around or talking. You glared around, looking for an empty chair. There werent many seats. Not so many in the back, a couple in the front and one in the middle. You decided to take the seat that was in the middle and closest to the wall as you walked over to the large desk.

You sat your bag down, your eyes trailing up the legs who were comfortably crossed on the top of your chosen desk. "'Scuse me." You lowly said, trying to get his attention.

He opened his eyes, his deep red eyes glaring at yours. "Out of all desk, you choose this one?" He uttered with his feet still on it.

"Mhm," You nodded your head, "Now could you please move your legs so I can sit?"

"Go sit in the one up front." He closed his eyes again and leaned back. "I'm using this one.."

You felt your hand twitch. Your whole body was just itching to activate your quirk, to pick him up through the air and slam his body against the wall..


hope u enjoyed the first chapter lol,

have a gr8 day :)

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