02. test

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"Look, i'm trying to be nice here—"

"I said sit in the one thats upfront." He raised his voice, cutting you off. "Hey! What are you doing?!"

You shoved his feet off and brushed off the top of your desk before dropping into your seat.

"HEY! DONT YOU IGNORE ME!" He yelled from behind you.

"Everyone settle down! Our teacher should be here soon!" A boy with glasses suddenly told the class, flailing his arms back and forth.

"I wonder who our teacher is!" A girl with pink skin said with a cheery smile.

"I don't think i've ever seen you before," You turned your head and flinched from how close this yellow haired boy was to you, your noses almost touching. "Did you get here based on recommendations?"

Recommendations? You had the faintest damn clue what that even was. "I wish," You replied. Recommendations sounded like a good thing, so you played along, "But no." You leaned away from him as he stood straight up.

"I'm Denki Kaminari!" He greeted you, holding out his hand.

You hesitantly shook his hand, "Y/n."

"I can't wait to—"

The whole room went silent all of a sudden, including Denki who was just as confused as you.

"It took you all eight seconds to shut up." A sluggish voice said from the door. "That's not gonna work." He stood up and unzipped his sleeping bag, revealing himself.

Everyone stared in shock, including you. "I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher."

"Our teacher?!" Everyone yelled in shock

Aizawa held up a uniform and mumbled, "Put these on and head outside."

You changed into your uniform, before catching up with the others as they walked in a group.

Seems like everyone is pretty friendly here. Smiles on most of everyone's faces, happy to become what they want to become. Or, well atleast most of everyone's faces.

You unintentionally locked eyes with the guy you've had a problem with since you've been here. You broke contact, looking at the teacher who began announcing something.

"Quirk apprehension test. Physical tests where you can freely use your quirks." He turned over to his students. "Bakugou. How far could you throw a softball in middle school?"

Bakugou? Fractious does come with a name, huh?

Bakugou stepped up, hands in his pockets before he spoke nonchalantly. "About 67 meters." He stepped up to the circle as Aizawa tossed him a softball.

"Try using your quirk this time. Anything goes, just don't step out of the circle." Aizawa backed up, giving him space.

You hated to admit it, but you did want to see what else was in him besides anger issues. Everyone silently watched as he rolled his shoulders, a smug smile on his face. He grunted as he threw the ball with all of his might, explosions blasting behind the ball as it pushed it further and further into the air.

Wind viciously blew as you covered your eyes to prevent any dirt and debris from getting into it.

Aizawa then held up a small device that had the numbers '705.2 Meters' blinking on it. Most of everyone gasped in shock, surprised at the boy's strength.

"The student who is ranked last in total points will be immediately expelled."

Everyone's hearts dropped. That was one thing that they were not expecting.

"What?! But that's— that's not fair!?" The students yelled.

Aizawa glared at his opposing students. "Life isn't fair. I expect you all to overcome these trials and climb to the top, plus ultra."

The whole time during this test, you took the time to analyze and get to know everyone's quirk yourself.

You did well on all of your tests because you weren't expecting to fail any of them. With your quirk, you could use it to your advantage.

Though, you did notice one thing that did seem a little off to you. A kid with curly green hair, having the lowest scores out of everyone. It was basically all or nothing when it came to the softball pitch. And when he did pitch, he ended up breaking his finger. Like his quirk was too strong for his frail little body.

Not only that, but Bakugou was pissed when he found out that he threw further just by a point. Almost made you giggle honestly.

When results came in, he admitted that the whole expelled thing was a lie. Some students flipped out, angry at the fact that they were all paranoid for nothing.

The day went on smoothly after that. Teachers— Or hero's, talked more about what you will be expecting now that you're a UA student. Honestly everything went in one ear and came out the other when they were explaining. Though, what did caught your attention was something about a sports festival

It was something that was coming up in a month or so, so you'd worry about that later. You were honestly just happy that the damn day was over with.

You were the last to leave only because you waited since the hallways were hella crowded. You walked with your head down, counting every tile you stepped in to occupy yourself.

"Y/n," Your footsteps came to a halt after someone called your name.

You sighed, recognizing the voice and turning to him. It was your teacher.

"You in a hurry?"

You shook your head.

"Good. I just wanted to talk to you real quick." Aizawa started. "You did well on your apprehension test today."

You internally groaned. Did he really stop you to tell you this?

"Though, you could've done better. I could tell you put little to no effort in most of the tests." Aizawa added, making you slightly wide eyed. "I know you have the capability to use your quirk to the best of your ability, just like everyone else here. If you want to become a hero, you're gonna have to do better,"

Footsteps echoed throughout the quiet hallway. You looked over Aizawa's shoulder, meeting his bright red eyes as he walked past the two of you.
You eyed the blonde hair boy who walked past

"You understand me, Y/n?" He asked you, making you glance back at him.

You nodded your head.

"Good." He mumbled as he turned his back towards you. "See you tomorrow."


hope u enjoyed this chapter,

have a gr8 day!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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