I love you...

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"JIYONG STOP!" I screamed towards my angry husband, trying to block his swings that were coming towards me. I wish he would stop, every night is the same thing, Over and over again. "SHUT UP YOU BITCH"! is what he keeps yelling in my face. I don't understand why he gets so angry over the smallest things. I felt a sharp pain hit my stomache. I clutched it as if I was holding on for dear life, which it almost seemed that way. I just let my salty warm delicate tears flow down my red puffy cheeks. Soon I felt a hand being clutched to my throat, pulling me up from the tan tile floors that flows through out the beautiful home I share with my husband.

 I felt a hand being clutched around my throat "You love making me mad don't you?". What kind of question is that? "Yes I love making you mad so you can beat me everyday." is what I thought to myself, I wouldn't dare say that out load.

More pressure was being added to my neck "DONT YOU? ANSWER ME YOU PEICE OF SHIT!" I was getting light headed, but I knew If I didn't respond soon it would only get worst. "No" is all that I could manage to get out. It's kinda hard to speak when you have this much pressure wrapped around your throat.

I got a similar sharp pain in my stomache again, but this time it was much worst. "Next time I ask you to do something do it right." is the last thing that was whispered in my ears before I blacked out. 

My eyes fluttered open, I was expecting to see the floor but to my suprise I was staring out at the balcony that was in the bedroom I share with Jiyong. He must've carried me here while I was still unconscious. I moved a little only to feel the horrible pain coming from my stomache. I was still sore from earlier, it took all my strength to just take a little peak over my shoulder. What I saw was an angel, the angel that I married a year ago. God I miss that angel, I would do anything to have him back, and I do mean anything.

I got up to go use the restroom, limping on the way. Once I had finished I stepped back into the room. As I was making my way to the bed "Leave." is what kept playing over and over in my heard like a broken tape recorder. Can I really? Is it really possissble for me to just leave? There was no time to second guess myself, this was my only chance.

I tip toed over to the marbled black dresser that was placed in the middle of the left side in the bedroom. I reached for the top drawer on the right, as I pulled and pulled on it it wouldn't open. "Come on open up" I whispered very quietly to myself.

I jiggled it just a little bit more and soon enough it came open. I reached inside to grab a pair of sweatpants and a jacket. Considering I was just in a large shirt that Jiyong must've placed on me. After I was dressed, I walked to the bedroom door, before exiting it I took one last look at the man that I had fell inlove with. As much as it hurt, I knew that this was the right choice to make.

As I was making my way down the stairs, only seven steps from reaching the bottom, I heard something. "Were do you think you're going?" My body froze right then and there. I was to scared to turn around and face the monster that was standing behind me. If I didn't leave now I never would. Suddenly, my feet took over and ran down the rest of the stairs and to the front door. Sadly they weren't fast enough considering Jiyong was fast enough to beat me to it. I looked at him while slowly walking backwards and him walking forward. "Do you think you're gonna leave me?" he asked walking a little bit faster. I wasn't aware of the objects on the floor which caused me to trip on something. That gave Jiyong the opportunity to grab a hold onto me. He drug me by my arms into the livingroom while reaching into his pocket and bringing out a pair of handcuffs.

He tied me to a pole that was holding the cealing up. Now standing infront of me he said "You want to leave me right?" He paused before walking off, he returned shortly with a red container with some kind of liquid inside.

He walked towards me, and to my suprise he started pouring it on me, starting from my legs making his way up to my chest. It didn't take long for me to reconize the smell, it was gasoline."Well this is the only way you're gonna leave me." he then bent down to my level and kissed me. It was the kind of kiss we haven't shared in a LONG time. "Remember, you made me do this." and with that he reached into his back pocket and pulled of a box of matches.

First strike, nothing. Second strike, still nothing. Three strikes was all it took to get the fire going. My heart was beating out of control at this point. He bent down began to wave the match close to my chest, "STOP! PLEASE STOP" is what I kept yelling over and over again. "YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME RIGHT?" his yelling began to match mine. "YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME RIGHT? ANSWER ME!" It was so hard for me to comprehend what he was saying due to the fact that my body could go up in flames any minute.

"{your name} DO.YOU.WANT.TO.LEAVE.ME? Because if so, this is the only way you're going to leave me." he said moving to match closer to me. Tears had began to roll down my cheeks like a constant river. "No." I barely managed to get it out, "What was that? I couldn't hear you?" he said. "No, I'm not going to leave you." I said a little louder. Even though it took a minute or two for him to do it, that was all it took for him to blow the the match out. Still very much unable to control my tears, I pulled my knees to my chest and began to cry my eyes out. 

I felt him pull me into his chest and began to rock me soothingly back and forth. "{your name} I love you to death, the only way you're going to leave me is if you die. Please don't make me do that to you" Jiyong said as he began to cry, still holding me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I love you too." I said, just laying there in his arms, staring at the door. Who is this man? This is not the Kwon Jiyong I married, but I guess it's the one im stuck with for the rest of my life.

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