A/N + Half a chapter

11 1 0

- dreams POV-

"Why do you always wear a mask?" Tommy says crossing his arms, "Oh, um..." I say, what do I say, I mean no-ones asked me that before.."Um... I'm just really insecure of my face." I say hoping they take it, "See Tommy I knew it was personal!" Says Wilbur obviously trying to start another fight by the look on Tommy's face, Wilbur knew it was going to piss Tommy off.

"Hey, why don't we stop fighting." I say, I see from the corner of my eye I can see Tubbo giving the death glare to Wilbur and Tommy, and I see them start to stop fighting.

"Soo Dream, how did you come up with your nickname?" Wilbur asks, "Oh, That's what my sister called me when she was really small, she had just learnt how to say it and she called me that cause she hadn't found out my name." I shrug "I guess the name just stuck." "Awww, that's cute" I hear Tubbo say.

"How old is she right now?" Wilbur says, "She's seven." "Aww cute." Says Wilbur "haha...yeah." I awkwardly say shifting my legs uncomfortably.

"Me and tubs have to go we have the same class next and our teacher is really strict, and wants us to come a bit earlier than most classes." Tommy says while grabbing onto tubbo hand (PLATONICALLY) and pulling him to their next class down the hall.

"So it just leaves us two.." Wilbur says in a jokingly seductive voice. I cross my arms "Yeah ima go to my next class now.." Wilbur chuckles "okay!" "Have fun!" He waves down the hall and I walk of.

I walk down the hall and around the corner and meet Sapnap walking towards me, his face lighting up when he sees me.

"Hey man!" Sapnaps says, "I found out the boys name." My face lights up when he mentions the boy, "his name is George." He finishes.

(This scene might be cringe I've never written this type of stuff before)

I space out from Sapnap speaking and think of George's glossy, pink lips and how bad I want them to connect with mine, I hear a loud noise and it snaps me from my trance. It was the bell, I said goodbye to Sapnap and walked of to my next class.


(No ones POV)

Dream sits down in his seat as usual and starts daydreaming about George and his pretty (privilege 😜🤟) face. He starts dozing of when something taps his shoulder he turns to see what it was. It was the other new boy.

Karl I think it was.. Dream thought.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" He says awkwardly giggling, "I don't mind." Dream says "soo... you've met sappy nappy?" He looked at Dream confused on the name, "Oh right, I don't think he tells new people all his various nicknames." "You know him as Nick." When dream mentions Nick Karl's face immediately lights up "ohhh, why didn't he tell me?" "He gets embarrassed by the nickname, he should be over it by now, he's had it since we were like seven." I say rolling my eyes.

(Watching George's stream rn :] )

Karl giggles like a maniac (dude why does Karl's laughs sound so evil though?)

"Oh really?" Karl said slightly giggling still. -hmm he seem like he giggles a lot- he thinks to himself mentally laughing


Hello there it's been a long time since I've updated hasn't it haha, I'm sorry I just couldn't find the motivation to continue and I didn't like the writing of the characters so I just couldn't bare to update, BUT I love the story outline and really want to write it so I think I'm going to rewrite it make it better haha, I just love the outline I have and the story plots to much to leave it, but it may take a while to get into the grove of things and write :)

But I'll try my best for you guys :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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