Chapter 4

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Oh fuck-
I am her next class. Poor me huh. Can't say i saw that coming but that's not to say im surprised either. Today is officially cursed.

"Yes..Miss."i say giving her my best smile in which she returns a sarcastic one. I haven't exactly made a great first impression on this woman.

When i don't move she let's go off the door, shutting it in my face and disappearing into the room.

Okay so i know we're not exactly best friends but comon really? — not cool.

I follow after her, entering the small classroom, instantly shivering. Damn its freezing in here! The heating system in this school is horrific.

Well. Here's to dying of Hypothermia.

I glance around the classroom searching the familiar faces for Blair, everyone in here looks like they've come straight out of The Walking Dead and i can hardly blame them. Its Monday, and raining. Do i really need to say much more?

Surely enough Blair is sitting at the back giving me an amused smile. Atleast someones smiling in here.

I walk to the back of the room taking the seat next to her, almost forgetting how this is the second time she's bailed on me. Ha! She really thought I'd forget. Nope.

I turn to her and fold my arms sternly.

"Care to explain?"

She already knew what i was talking about and gave me a sheepish smile which i dismissed. Not falling for that.

"Oh well i um kinda joined the cue for bagels."she said guilty.

Really? All it takes is a crappy overpriced bagel for her to replace me like that. Feelings officially hurt.

I just roll my eyes and fall back in my chair.

"Look i got hungryyy."she groans.

I ignore her.

"Guess what?"

"What."i say still not budging.

"So yes i ditched you but... I got you a bagel."she whispers, a huge smile spreading across her face.

Okay well maybe i can let her off just this once. Im soooo hungry.

I eye the bagel that she's holding. "What kind?" i question.

"Ham and Cheese."

I squint my eyes at her trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

I give in fairly quick — literally snorting.

"Sooo, peace offering?"she laughs.

"Fine." i say grabbing the bagel out of her and laughing. All mine.

"You PIG!" she shouts as a failed attempt of whispering whilst trying her best to contain her laughter. I stick my tongue out at her like im five years old making her laugh harder, which wasn't my intention but it was funny seeing her go crazy over nothing.


I immediately snap my head up to see the teacher glaring at me, not even at Blair, just me. Well fuck, if looks could kill...

"Sorry Miss." i say attempting to straighten up and pretend to know what the hell she was talking about the last 5 minutes. I can still hear Blair sniggering in which i stomp on her foot under the table, making her instantly shutup.

My eyes travel towards the board which has three words written in fine print across it.

"Physics, Miss Lee."

Liar💋 [ GIRLXGIRL] [TEACHERXSTUDENT] Where stories live. Discover now