Chapter sixteen is moving in the best idea

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Kaylas POV
When I woke up the tv was off o got out of bed to brush my teeth and get changed then I went downstairs when I got to the bottom of the stairs Colby smiled then said "good morning beautiful" I said "good morning handsome" Colby said "what do you want for breakfast" I said "hmmmm I know how about we go to Mc Donald's for breakfast" Colby grabbed his car keys and said "let's go" I said "I was just joking but okay" when we got into Colbys car I said "I am sorry about the whole roasting thing last night" Colby said "yeah it just a joke though" I said "ok" when we got to Mc Donald's I said "I want a sausage Mc Muffin and a Diet Coke" Colby said "ok" Colby ended up ordering eight sausage Mc muffins , two large diet cokes and two large waters for Sam and Kat when we got home I yelled "Sam and Kat breakfast" when Sam came running downstairs I said "hey where's Kat" Sam said "she's laying in bed she's not really feeling good" I handed Sam the two large waters and four sausage Mc muffins Sam said "thank you" I said "thank Colby not me" Sam said "thanks Colby" Colby said "your welcome " me and Colby walked into the kitchen I wrapped my hands around Colbys waist and said "thank you for my breakfast" I kissed Colbys cheek Colby said "your welcome princess" I smiled as he never calls me princess when he handed me my food I ate it at the table with him when we were done I said "let's do something" Colby said "what do you wanna do" I said "let's go do something for Halloween since it's October first " Colby said "alright what do you wanna do" I said "let's go to a haunted house" Colby said "I have a better idea let's go explore a haunted house no witch craft though because that's just creepy" I said "ok" Colby called up his friend Amanda which she is a medium so when we got to the house she said "this house is very old" I said "yeah it is" when we walked into the house the guy said "hello my name is John I will be giving you guys a tour" I said "hello John I am Kayla and this is my boyfriend Colby" Colby said "hi you obviously know Amanda" John said "I do know her we went to school together" Amanda said "hi John" John said "hi now let's go" a couple hours later after we took a tour we al sat down and talked with John about this house when I saw someone peaking his head over the chair I got so scared that I got off the chair as fast as I could Amanda said "you saw something what did you see" I said "I saw a someone peaking his head over the chair over there" I pointed to where I saw it Amanda walked over to the chair and said "you saw a devil" I said "wait what I am so scared I've never seen anything like that" right as Amanda was waking she fell I ran to go and help her up when she got up she said "it pushed me" John said "ok now you guys gotta go" I said "why" John said "because you guys shouldn't have even came here" Colby said "umm ok come on guys" when we got out of the house Amanda said "that was weird well see you later Colby bye Kayla" me and Colby said "bye" when we got into Colbys car I said "that guy was weird" Colby said "your telling me I wonder why he wanted us gone" I said "I don't know" when we got home we told Sam and Kat about the house and Everything Kat said "hmmm I wonder why that guy was so weird" I said "I don't know" Colby said "are you okay baby girl" I nodded my head Sam said "you should've asked us to come" I said "no because Kats pregnant and I don't want your guys baby getting hurt" Kat said "see she cares" Sam said "hey I care to" Kat kissed Sam and said "I never said you didn't care I know you definitely do" Colby said "that guy was weird though Sam like after Amanda accidentally fell he said ok you guys gotta go when Kayla said why and John said because you shouldn't have come here" Sam said "why" I said "we don't know" Kat said "I am tired Sammy can we go to bed" Sam said "yeah let's go" Kat and Sam walked upstairs and I walked into the kitchen and Colby wrapped his hands around my waist I said "you know I've missed these hands" Colby said "sorry if I haven't payed any attention to you today much" I said "Colby yes you did you payed more then I deserve" Colby spun me around and picked me up then put me on the counter i smiled Colby said "you deserve all the love I give you if not more" I said "Colby Brock I am so freakin happy to be your girlfriend I am also so happy that you were born" Colby said "well thank you but I am happy to have you in my life period" I said "period sis" Colby laughed I kissed Colby when he kissed me back it's like I can't pull away from this one I wrapped my hands around Colbys neck and hugged him Colby said "do you want anything to drink" I said "yes you" Colby said "ok vampire" I laughed then said "no I don't want any thing to drink" I got off the counter holding Colbys hands and walking upstairs to Colbys room when we walked inside I said "why is your room so lit" Colby said "because I am just a lit person" I closed his door I said "you got that right" I pushed Colby on the bed and said "your also a good kisser" I  got on top of Colby and kissed him when I got off Colby said "damn" I said "ok so tomorrow I think we should hang out with Tara and Jake" Colby looked at my lips I laughed and kissed him but when I tried to pull away he wouldn't let me so we ended up making out for like twenty minutes but hey I'm not complaining when he finally pulled away he said "I think that's a great idea" I laid down with Colby and put my feet between his I said "Colby" Colby said "hmm" I said "do you really not want kids" Colby looked at me with the stressful look then said "why" I said "I don't know I am just wondering" Colby said "well it kinda depends if I really love someone then yes I would want kids with them but other then that no not really" I said "alright" Colby said "what about you" I said "don't really know because I really haven't found the one yet I just have had boyfriends from here and there not much but they all normally leave me  after two months dating because hey found someone better" Colby grabbed my hand and held it gently then said "I can tell you this now I am not gonna leave you after two months maybe after three but not two" I said "Hey !!" I threw a pillow at Colby and laughed Colby said "I am just kidding I am not like those other boys ok so there will be no leaving you" I said "wow now no boy has ever said that to me" Colby wrapped his hands around my waist and we fell asleep like that when I woke up Colby whispered "good morning princess" I smiled and said "what time is it" Colby said "like three in the morning" I said "awww I wanna sleep moreee" Colby laughed then said "ok after I ask you this question" I said "yessss" Colby said "will you move in I can't handle living far away from you" I said "are you sure that's a good thing" Colby said "yeah your room would be where you would be sleeping that way I know your safe" I said "Colby can I think about this I mean I still need time" Colby said "no I get it don't stress about it" Colby wrapped his hands around me and I said "ok is that all" Colby said "yeah" I tried to go back to sleep but after what he asked me I don't think I could I mean why would he want me to move in I mean I would have my own room and he would keep me safe but I still need time I finally fell asleep during all of mg thoughts when I woke up for the second time it was one o'clock in the morning and Tara came running into Colbys room and jumped on the bed I immediately hugged her when I saw her I said "I've missed you so much" Tara said "I've missed you to but you wanna go to a party tonight" I said "is Colby going" Tara said "no Colby don't even know the person who is having this party only I do" I said "I guess I'll go" Tara said "good but why did you ask if Colby was going" I said "because he's my boyfriend" Tara was shocked then she smiled i said "yes I know I am happy too" .

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