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Currently Black Zetsu was confronting Obito about his failed attempt at capturing the 9tails. Not only this but he had also failed to convince Nagato to join forces willingly.

With Madara dead and obito not instilling much faith in his plan, he decided to set a up a back up plan.

He decided to find ashura and indra's next reincarnates. Althought faint, he managed to track their chakra back to the leaf, it turns out ashura is the new 9tails jinchuriki.

He snuck in the village taking a DNA sample and an eye from both and implanted them into the other.

Perhaps he could reawaken the rinnegan in Indra's next reincarnate in advance.

Perhaps he could manipulate both this time. He'll eventually need the 9tails anyway, might as well use him as a pawn.

For now he would let them mature a bit so when they become of age he can set his plan in motion.

~~~~~~~~~7 Year Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

The identity of the new 9tails jinchuriki was made public information and some of the villagers took full advantage.

Although, the 3rd made it illegal to ever mention this information, that didn't stop them from taking out the frustrations on the poor boy.

At first the back lash was nothing beyond a few insults being thrown his way. Although as he got older, he began to resembled his father and that only made it worse.

Up to 2 or 3 times out of the week a few drunk civilians and shinobi would chase him from one side of the village to the other.

They would throw bottles at the kid, threaten to harm him if he didn't keep his distance or even draw weapons on him but it was mostly for show.

That was until one day a bunch of chunin took it apon themselves to "teach him a lesson".

They began chasing him screaming "get the kyubi, he's mocking lord 4th's sacrifice by impersonating him."

Since the boy had absurd amounts of stamina he was able to avoid them for the time being but eventually, they trapped down a dead end.

"End of the line demon, you're gonna pay for killing my dad and uncle" said the biggest of the group as he drew a kunai and swing it at the boy half his age.

In slow-motion Naruto could see the kunai pierce his neck effectively killing him, he flinched and waited for the pain but to it never came.

To his surprise, he look up to see two ravin haired boys with a red and white fan like symbol on their backs. The taller of the two was holding the genin's hand with the kunai just before it made contact.

One was slightly taller than the other with short messy black hair. The shorter one had long black hair that ended in a ponytail and two bangs that frame his face.

"By order of the 3rd hokage this boy is under the protection of the Anbu black ops, leave now or face criminal charges" the taller one said calm but firmly.

"I-i-i-it Sh-Shi-Shisui the teleporter and Itachi" one of the chunin said as they all began to in cower in fear.

They knew very well of Itachi's skills seeing as he was in their graduating class. They'd also heard stories of shisui from the 3rd great war.

Dropping their weapons the group stood down and left without argument.

The now named shisui bent down to check the boy for injuries when he noticed something in his eye.

A blood red sharingan with two tomoe. Itachi walk up behind him and spoke. "Is that what I think it is?"

"It would seem so, we must report this to Lord 3rd immediately" said Shisui.

Just then the eye returned to its original ocean blue color as the boy passed out from chakra exhaustion.

With The Hokage

"Hmm, this is troubling news indeed and you say it regressed back to his normal eye?" Asked the old hokage.

"Yes sir" confirmed Shisui as he nodded.

Mulling over the information, the 3rd then spoke. "As far as I'm concerned the boy isn't of Uchiha descent on either side. Furthermore, I have never heard a sharingan awakening in only one eye before, let alone in a non-uchiha."

The third pondered on what to do with this in formation.

"Listen you two, no one else must know of this, not any civilians, not any other shinobi, not even the village council members and especially not the Uchiha clan."

"There would an out cry for the boy to be executed, the eye removed or worse. He doesn't need another reason to be ridiculed. He's already facing much scorn from that damned Donzo for revealing his status as the 9tails jinchuriki."

"I have special assignments for the both of you. Shisui, you'll be task to train him in the ways of the sharingan. He will become a shinobi when he's of age and he must learn to control it."

"For now I'll take you off active duty, try to guide him as if he were your own"

"Itachi, you are to report directly to me at 6am sharp tomorrow. I'll assign you to a team and you will start your first mission as an Anbu black ops."

"Your both dismissed."

"Understood" they said in unison as they both bowed to their leader.

One Year Later

Naruto stood at the top of the hokage Monument on the head of the 4th. A single tear rolled down his face as he looked down at the memorial service that was going on below. "Shisui....why?"

Flashback to 12 Hours Ago

Naruto was running fast as he could with excitement. He was finally excepted into the academy and even made top of the class on the entry exam.

He noticed that he felt Itachi and Shisui's chakra signatures in the woods towards his left.

He raced towards them excited to show his senseis' his achievements. He sense them up ahead in a clearing, though when he got there what he saw traumatized him.

There stood both Itachi and Shisui covered in blood. Shisui spoke a few words to Itachi which he couldn't really make out except his final words.

"You and Sasuke are the future of this clan Itachi, bring our name back to glory, also tell Naruto that I loved him like a little brother and that I'm sorry."

With that Shisui plunged himself into into the revine right before his and Itachi's eyes.

Noticing a chakra spike Itachi turned around to see Naruto crying with stream of tears from his right eye and a stream of blood from the left.

Looking at him through bloody tears himself, Itachi could do nothing but offer him a hug as comfort but truth be told he needed it just as much as Naruto.

End of Chapter

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