chapter one

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Fourteen years prior; 1936.

"Hey Lou, do you see that girl over there?" The young, chubby-cheeked child pointed to the corner of the deteriorating playground. His best friends eyes trailed to where he was pointing.

"Yeah, what about her?"

"She has a nice bum."

The two boys were left in a fit of giggles, not hearing the footsteps approaching from behind. A small tap was felt on each of their shoulders, and not too gently either. The boys whirled their heads around, only for their eyes to meet three feet of pure anger.

The girl smiled sweetly up at them, clearing her throat before speaking, "Pardon me, but I couldn't help but overhear your comment about my sister's bum. Quite frankly, it's rude to stare at a lady."

Astonished looks were smacked onto the boys faces, too confused to speak. Their heads whipped back and forth between the two girls, frightened of the similarities shared between them.

"Pigs!" The girl spat, stepping on both of their feet before stomping over to join her sister on the swing set.

The green-eyed boy shook his head, frustration clear in his stature. 

"Wanker." He muttered bitterly to Louis.

Louis was silent for a moment before turning back to meet his friend's eyes, "I don't know Harry, I quite liked her." A smile lingered on his lips as he stared off in her direction. He threw a wink at her when she glanced his way, watching as her facial expression contorted into disgust. 

"Good luck with that, mate."

Louis rolled his eyes, laughing, "Come on, then!" He grabbed his friend by the collar, dragging him across the playground. Despite Harry's protests, the boys made their way to the swing set where the girls still remained.

"Hello darling, I didn't get the chance to catch your name." Louis directed towards the fiery blonde from earlier.

She kept silent as her sister spoke instead, "What's wrong with your voice?"

Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but it was Harry who responded, "What's wrong with yours?"

"There's nothing wrong with my voice!" The freckled one huffed back.

Harry narrowed his eyes, "How old are you anyway?"

"I am five years old, what's it to you?" 

"Ha! We're six! Got you beat!" Louis yelled out, joyously.

The two girls glanced back at each other before nodding, "Okay. We like you now."

"Well, ladies, we can't like you back unless you tell us your names. Freckles, you first." Harry said, smoothly.

The girl let out a giggle before responding, "It's Sadie... if you must know."

The two boys nodded and directed their attention towards the smaller girl. Louis was the first to speak, "What about you Half Pint?"

The girl rolled her eyes before responding, "It's Ellie, Pretty Boy." A smirk was present on her face as he scoffed towards her.

For the remainder of the day, the four were inseparable... well, that goes for the rest of their lives, too, but we'll get to that part later...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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