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  • Dedicated to harry styles my bb

"complete disorder and confusion."


Her crystalline eyes were filled with nothing but confusion. "What are we, Harry?" His own eyes were focused on the marble floor, not exactly knowing how to respond to the girl standing in front of him. It seemed like a decade had passed before either had uttered another word. The blonde girl of only nineteen years grasped her cardigan closer around her body, nervously. There was a slight chill flowing in from her open apartment window. Sadie Tanner's thoughts were an array of scribbles and confusion, yet she still felt herself drawn to look outside.

The orange colored leaves fell softly to the ground, the twilight sky lit up with purples and blues. The distraction didn't last long, for she was snapped out of it seconds later by a hand placing itself on her small shoulder.

Harry peered down at the girl, a solemn expression on his face as she shrugged his hand off. She was beyond confused and he wasn't doing anything to help that.

"What would you like for us to be? Is there even an us in the first place, S?" He questioned her cautiously.

Her face contorted into an expression of pure devastation. "You're a walking hurricane." She states, her bright eyes dulling. He raised an eyebrow, prodding her to go on.

"You kiss me. You tell me I'm beautiful, you make me feel significant. You can't just start something like this with me and say there isn't an us!" She raises her voice slightly at the end.

"Something like what, Sadie? We are nothing more than friends, and that is all. Friends call their friends beautiful all the time."

"Friends don't kiss each other." She narrows her eyes to almost slits, her voice dangerous. He was taken aback by her sudden bravery. She doesn't hesitate to continue, "What is wrong with you Harry? Was it all just some silly act to you?"

"For fuck's sake, this isn't one of your cheesy romance novels. Grow up." He spat the words at her, making her rage climb to new heights it had never been before.

"Don't you dare. Don't even dare tell me to grow up when you're the one who's been toying with my emotions for your own sick amusement." He stared at her, mouth agape.

They both fell silent, and the only sound to be heard was the rushing of cars on the streets far below them. Minutes passed before Sadie spoke once more.

"It's done, whatever your little game was. It's over. You've won, and now you can live happily." She kept her eyes trained on the laces of her oxfords, a blank face apparent. "If you could escort yourself out, please."

Harry felt a slight pang in his chest, his eyebrows furrowed deeply. He felt the strange desire to take back everything he'd done, to relieve all the pain he'd caused her. But he just couldn't. He couldn't even move.

"Harry, get out." And that time her gaze met his and her stern eyes held regret.

He turned and left, like nothing had ever happened between them.

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