Going Home

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The three girls go back to Katanas house for a sleepover and were so happy how this day was going. "Guys I still can't believe that happened.." Kris said, "I knowwww i'm still in shock" Leah said.
They got back to the house and decided who was going to text him first.
"Kat should do it cause she's the birthday girl" Leah said, they all agreed to that and Kat sent a text saying:
"Hey it's Kat, one of the three girls you saw earlier lol, text us back when you can! :)"

They all waited patiently for a reply and to their surprise he replied quickly.

"Hey Kat, How are you guys? Also I'm sorry if I'm dry. It's because of baseball and I also like to play video games on my free time, but I'll try text you guys more. Can you make a group chat with all of us? :)"

"Hey omg ofc I can, can't believe you actually texted back🙈"

"Of course I would, you're one of my favorite girls after all"

Katana threw her phone right after receiving that text from Ohtani. She quickly retrieves her phone and replies.

___________—Gc Made—___________
                             Ohtani's Girls

Ohtani: Woahh great name ;)

Kris: HEHE thanks :,)

Leah: Heyy guys

Katana: Hii Ohtani

Ohtani: Heyy

Leah: So what are you doing Mr. Ohtani?

Ohtani: Abouta hop on my ps5, what about you guys?

Katana: nothing really, what are you playing?

Ohtani: Overwatch with some online friends

Kristal: Dope, my brother plays that game.

Ohtani: Yeah it's pretty popular

Katana: That's true

Ohtani: Hey I was wondering, would you guys want to hang out sometime? You don't have to, no pressure!

The three girls looked at each other already knowing the answer.

Leah: Definitely!

Kristal: Fs just lmk when :)

Katana: Omg yes that would be fun!

Ohtani: Great! I'll see you guys on Friday? 😋

Katana: Yes 😌

Leah: Sounds like a date 🙈

Kristal: That'll work 👍


The girls all giggle in excitement on how they're going to meet up with their huge crush!

They continue with their sleepover and end their night well.

then friday comes...

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