Laughing Dog

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Sirius Black was no fool yet also a complete and utter fool.

The original intent was a poorly timed joke on his part, suggesting to Harry and Hermione that he should perhaps move in as the new family pet. "After all, I wouldn't be hungry and have a roof over my head. On top of this, the ministry wouldn't suspect the black dog who moved in with the family is an escaped wizard as they don't know I'm an Animagus. Of course, I couldn't be a burden on the Weasley family and I don't want to be the chew toy of Harry's cousin, so that means..."

"No." Hermione glared at him.

"Oh, come on. Who would expect a wizard to be hiding with a Muggle family? It's perfect."

"I said no."

"I was joking. Never take Sirius seriously."

"It's not funny."

Sirius paused, looking at the girl as she stood there with her arms crossing her chest with her lip out ever slightly. Hermione didn't hesitate in giving him a dressing down with her eyes, but she reminded him of someone. He glanced away, swallowing. "Well. I best be going. Take care, Harry."

He flew away on Buckbeak then, still thinking in the back of his head that he'd simply been joking, although he could easily leave the Hippogriff in the care of the groundskeeper, as the ministry wouldn't think to look in the forest for the magical creature. A laugh echoed through the wind as Sirius Black ate up his moment of freedom, remaining ever the wild child of the Black family.


" There's nothing wrong in going to King's Cross Station and watching Harry arrive home from Hogwarts so long as I stay outside in my dog form. "

Which, while Sirius was no fool was still a foolish thing to think up, yet - despite not having caught Wormtail, he felt freer than he had in years and wanted to latch onto some form of normality. Showing up as a dog not being anywhere near a form of normal activity didn't once cross his mind. Sirius instead found himself imagining the look on the face of Harry's aunt when she saw a mangy dog near her.

" What are you doing?"

Sirius looked up at Hermione. The girl gave him the same look as before, the look that reminded Sirius of him. He gave her his best doggie glare saying he didn't care. " Spoilsport. "

"Suit yourself. Harry will be very upset if you get caught and your soul sucked out," Hermione turned.

" Oh, she's just like him, sucking the joy out of everything. " Thinking that didn't prevent a voice in the back of his head popping up and telling him that wasn't always the case, that there were times he'd enjoyed spending with him . " On top of that, isn't he the reason you choose Pettigrew over Remus, why you didn't feel you could trust Remus? " Sirius let out a doggie huff and decided on the spur of the moment to follow after the girl. " Might as well annoy her. "

"Go home," Hermione muttered.

" Don't have a home, no-more, no more! Don't have a home no-more, " Sirius sang in his head, laughing at her reaction despite knowing he was a complete and utter fool for following her, let alone coming to Kings Cross Station in the first place.

"And by that, go back to Buckbeak and into hiding," Hermione hissed, sending a glare his way.

Sirius glanced up, finding himself amused at how much her glares looked like the glares he would send his way, but in his hand, he laughed at that thought. " As if there is any connection. "

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