1. Hello

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Ok so all i can start off is with a big Hello. Well as a lot of you know im Dana the not so great .

Well i should start off with my story of me . 

So  when i was about 1 year old my own father had told my mother that i was a useful mistake and that i would never become anything in my lifetime . Of course my mom always got in fights with him it wasnt love it was just one piece of fucked up shit .

After i turned five my dad left and said that he only loved my sister and not me and well of course i was some mental daughter of a shnut bag . Then my mom found some awkward ass friend that was crazy but pretty awsome and at that time i was just getting my sadness out because my dad had left. Some days after that there was a fire right next to were i lived and i was tramatized i heard people screaming it wasnt the best day in my life and then some days after that i went to the hospital because i nearly died . No Joke.

about 2 years after that my mom's friend got a boyfriend and he was also pretty cool , until my mom got with him in secret and well one day her friend caught my mom with her boyfriend and went a bit phsyco . I knew what it ment i wasnt like any other regular little kid i knew things that not even my mom knew i knew . Then i got a bit scared because my mom would scream at me and she acted a bit weird . Then my mom got back with her boyfriend , i wasnt so happy he screwed up and so did my mom i didnt know why my mom would have done that i was sad and i felt alone even though my sister was there but something just told me that i should keep my feelings in . Then of course i was made fun of in school , i was called , weird, mean , awkward, dumb and all these mean things that hurt but i guess i just never wanted to be weak in front of any one .

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