Reasons why I'm still alive and not gone

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So now let me tell you reasons I'm still alive and not in Rock 'n' Roll heaven or hell.

1. I have a friend her name is Arline she's super annoying but she knew how to make me laugh and whenever i was sad she would try so hard to make me feel better sometimes it would work because i knew if i were gone i would miss her presence and she did save my life so many times . She may get me annoyed but i still love her . She's a great friend without her i would be dead .

2. I have my other best friend Maisie lazy hahaha she's just so chill that i would cry if we weren't friends anymore . She knows how to make me smile even though i make her smile more 😊 its so great to have friends like maisie and arline because even though we get in small fights we always seem to sew it back together .

My family and friends in general have saved my life . I honestly have had a horrible life and lately I've been a big worry to people around me . I went to the hospital but of course it was my fault and sometimes i feel like if i were gone everything would be better but then again i notice it would be worse because then everyone around me would think its they're fault that I'm gone . Lately I've been noticing that i should be thankful for what i have now because without these people and things my life would be much worse . I know i don't have a dad to make me happier but i have a mom that tries her hardest to make me happy .

now there is my principal he's a fowl man i swear . '

"DANA YOUR NOT GETTIN' ANY BETTER " he says in his Scottish or Irish or Whatever  accent .

And all i think in my head is "neither are you big browny jeez and let me tell that i will grow up to be someone big and i will destroy this school and make a better one . And i will be known for saving kids life in this living hell" so that obviously means i tune him out for a good solid 15 minutes while he's screaming at me in his freezing office . Thats when I'm like yeah your right for now and then i walk out laughing because he just made a horrible mistake in his words so thats reasons why I'm still alive

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