↳ fuzzy socks and hair ties

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recently sal and larry just hit different with gender envy so here's this lil chapter of bun koda and lake braiding his hair

warnings: none, maybe foul language

word count: 1230 (short and sweet<3)

     "You mind changing it to music again?" Not looking up from the rough sketch in his lap, Koda nudges his boyfriend's shoulder softly, not knowing where the remote is. "I can't focus with Markiplier screaming about Five Night's at Fuckboy's every two seconds." The two of them had been binging some of the older FNAF content. 

     "Yeah, sure," Lake reaches for the remote, clicking the back button and scrolling through the personalized music stations on Koda's Youtube account. He clicks an Indie playlist and listens to whatever Lana Del Rey song that begins playing. 

     "Ooh, good choice," with eyes still locked on his sketchbook, the slightly older male starts humming along to the music, once again lost in his art. 

     As late as it was getting, the two of them didn't really plan on sleeping anytime soon. Both Shark and Kyle were already asleep, the raccoon in his own bed on the floor, and the big husky at the end of their bed, snoring softly. They liked it like that, it was calming. 

     Lake scrolls through his phone absentmindedly, liking random posts and laughing occasionally. Koda's too focused on trying to perfect the base of the piece he was beginning. He doesn't usually do traditional art anymore because digital art gets more attention on social media, but he liked going back to the basics every now and then. He started off with traditional pencil-and-paper art, and he feels that he's much better at it. 

     Suddenly, surprising both boys, a long section of dark hair slips out from the older male's loose bun, falling down onto his sketchbook and distracting him. He sighs, pushing it behind his ear and continuing his work. He didn't want to look away long enough to fix it, so he just puts it off until he's done. He'll fix it later. 

      But the sudden interruption had gotten his boyfriend's attention, and he randomly realizes that he's not yet gotten to mess with Koda's hair. They started off as young online boyfriends; face timing, texting, calling whenever they could, watching movies online, playing video games, anything they could do to stay in touch and together. Now, at ages 17 and 18, they lived together in the (temporary) decently sized apartment with two pets and way too much free time on their hands. Lake is shocked and appalled by this fact. Yes, they've only been together in person for a few months, but this should have been something they did together much sooner. 

     Lake sits up, locking his phone and tossing it near Kyle at the end of the bed. Lana Del Rey fades in the background at the sound of his voice. 

     "Can I braid your hair?" He asks, sounding a little unsure about it, himself. Scooting closer, he cautiously touches the soft strand that had fallen seconds before. Some of it had come out of place again and was beginning to get on the other's nerves. Braiding it would certainly be beneficial to him, but it still made Lake nervous as he asked him. 

     Koda, on the other hand, thinks nothing of it. It seems like a pretty normal thing to do, so he shrugs, not looking up from his art, and nods a few seconds later. 

     "Yeah, sure, just not too tight; I get enough headaches without my glasses on already." He yawns a little, tossing his mechanical pencil to the side and starting to go over the art in his usual art pen instead, coating a thin layer of black over the sketch and making it look less messy. 

     "Alright.." he slowly raises one hand up to pull the silky hair out of the messy bun, being careful so he doesn't accidentally pull it and interfere with the other's concentration. He doesn't want to upset him, obviously. 

     Still a little nervous about it, he pulls the hair tye around his wrist and scoots so he's sitting directly behind the other, beginning to run his fingers through his hair to get some of the tangles out. This, for whatever reason, alerts the other boy. He leans back into his touch, letting his sketchbook fall off of his lap and onto the bed on purpose. Lake doesn't give a reaction, he just continues threading his fingers through it slowly, being gentle because he doesn't want to accidentally pull it. 

     "You okay?" He asks, pausing his movements and waiting for a response, just to make sure the physical response he got wasn't a bad one or an unintentional trauma response. 

     "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, keep going." His voice sounds a little far away and quiet, like he's not really paying attention to what he's saying. He's distracted. 

     "Okay.." Lake shrugs it off, going back to running his hands through his boyfriend's unkept waist-length black hair, being mindful of the occasional tangles in it. He brushes his shaggy bangs out to the front and keeps the rest down against his back, beginning to section it out into three thick sections. The other boy speaks up as soon as he starts actually braiding it. 

     "Wait- can you keep, uh," he pauses, still distracted, "doing whatever you were doing for a few more minutes?" He's referring to Lake just playing with it and trying to somewhat detangle it, but he's sleepy and not all here. 

     "Running my hands through it?" Lake asks, undoing his almost-braid and lacing his fingers through the other's hair again, earning a low hum from him. He smiles, closing his eyes and leaning back against him a little with a soft 'mhm' sound. 

     Lake, not knowing what else to do, panics and continues just playing with it. He twirls little strands around, runs his hands through the underneath, starts at the top, starts near the middle, and does anything else he can think of. Since Koda was leaning into him, most of his hair is in Lake's lap, which was fine with him. Lake makes no effort to push him away or move it. 

     Soon, he realizes why the other had asked him to keep going. Only when he notices that his breathing is steady and he's completely limp in his lap. He had slowly eased his way down to lay his head completely in the other's lap, which Lake didn't notice until it was too late. Koda had fallen asleep in his lap. 

     "Understandable," Lake nods, smiling down at him as he begins braiding his hair, now determined to get it done quickly so they can both go to sleep without worrying about it getting all tangled again in the morning. 

     He finishes in a few seconds, wrapping the rubber band around the end and fixing his bangs so they're not in his closed eyes. He doesn't want to move away from him, but he's getting sleepier and sleepier every second. 

     Slowly easing away, he turns the light off and then the tv, tossing the remote to the end of the bed and away from them as he wraps his arms around his sleeping partner, cuddling close to his back and burying his face into it. He smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to the smooth fabric of his shirt before drifting off to sleep as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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