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Jisoo's POV

"Where are you Auntie?"A teen said as he was sitting here at the police station.I heard he was overspeeding.I'm just actually here to see a friend since I had a break from my checkpoint and Seulgi took over.I've seen him for a quite while now and no one's picking him up to pay for his overspeeding ticket.I walked to him.

"Hey boy what's your name?"I asked I chew a gun from my pocket.

"P-Park Jeongwoo,ma'am."The kid said.Seems he's scared of me.

"Don't be scared,dude.I'm just wearing this uniform to have fun."I said.A soldier passed by,since he's getting some equipment.

"Ma'am."He said and saluted at me.I just nod then he left.I looked back at the kid.

"So who's picking you up?"I asked.

"M-My Auntie Chaeyoung."He said.My forehead creased.

"Your surname is Park,and your Auntie's name is Chaeyoung.So her name is Park Chaeyoung?"I asked.He nodded.

"Yes ma'am."

"Is this girl was born in Auckland,New Zealand and lived in Australia for a quite while?"I asked.

"How did you know?"He asked back.

"Oh shoot.Okay I'm paying for your ticket."I looked at the police."How much is it?"I asked.

"Three hundred dollars."

"Three hundred-why are you even over speeding,kid?You looks like a minor!"I said.

"He is.He's 16 years old."

"What?!When I'm at your age I just have a scooter!"

"I'll just wait for my auntie."He said as he hang his head low.I got that ticket.

"I'm paying."I said."Dis you called her already?"

"Yes ma'am."Just in time,a lady came rushing.

"Jeongwoo!What have you done?!Are you hurt?"It like the time stopped.She have changed a lot.Prettier,and much hotter I swear!"How can I take him home officer?Does he have something to pay here?"Chaeyoung asked.

"No,ma'am.You can take her home now.Everything's settled."

"What?Who settled it?"I raised my hand.

"General Kim Jisoo,ma'am."I said with a smile.Her sweet face turned in to a scary one as she saw me.

"How much is it?I'll just pay you."

"No need.A dinner with me will do."I said.

"No.Name your price I'll pay it."

"Okay,then.One thousand dollars."I said and grinned.


"You said I name my price so I did!"

"You're such a b*tch."

"So let's have dinner?"


Her hand landed on my cheek.What the actual f*ck.

"That's the answer."She said."Jeongwoo let's go."She said.

"Wait,Auntie!Let me thank her first!"

"Fine I'll wait outside."Chaeyoung said and left us.

"Thank you,ma'am I'm sorry for what she did."Jeongwoo said.

"It's okay,I deserve it.Anyway can I get your number?I did something wrong to your auntie,and I'll do everything to get her forgiveness.Can you help me?"I asked.He smiled.

"Of course,officer!"I got his number then he ran outside.

"That's one bit slap,Kim."I heard Seulgi who just came out from her office.

"Shut up let's go and eat dinner.I'm hungry."I'm not giving up on you,Chaeyoung.Destiny already made it's move to let us meet again.And now it's time to do my part.

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