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Jisoo's POV

"Love?What are you doing here?"I asked,I'm nervous for no reason goddamn.

"I brought you lunch."Chaeyoung said.

"Well Uncle and I brought lunch for you too."Hyeyoon said.

"T-Then let's eat that! Everyone come on let's eat."We all gathered at the couch here in my office.Dad seating in front of me,and this two girls squishing me in the middle.

I'm doomed.

They opened the foods,wow every food looks attractive.

"C'mon let's eat!"Appa said as we all dig in the food.

"Here,Jisoo.Eat Kimchi stew.I cooked that for you."Chaeyoung said as she passed me the kimchi stew.Oh sh*t.I don't like that.

"Didn't you know that Jisoo doesn't like kimchi stew?"Hyeyoon said."What a dumbass girlfriend."I heard her whispered.

"Hyeyoon."I warned her.

"I-Its okay if you don't like it."Chaeyoung said and about to take the kimchi stew away but I grabbed it.

"No no.Thats before but I like it now!"I said as I took a spoonful and ate it.No joke.Shes really good at cooking.Its just that,I don't eat much of this."You really cook good food!"I said as I raised a thumbs up.Appa could only shook her head at me.

"Here Jisoo!Have this chicken we bought.I know you love it much."Hyeyoon said as she handed me a chicken.I took it.

"Thank you!"I said and ate it.My eyes caught how Chaeyoung was looking sharply at Hyeyoon.

"Jisoo do you remember when we're in 8th grade?When you accidentally kissed me when you slipped.Thats so funny."Hyeyoon said.I choked,gosh why would she say that?!She handed me water,and I drank it.I looked at Chaeyoung,who had an unreadable expression.

"It's past,I forgot it already.Besides,you shouldn't be saying that casually.Its embarrassing."I held Chaeyoung's hand,and smiled at her."Well I have the best kisser now."I said and grinned,while looking at Chae.She instantly blushed.

"You shouldn't be saying that."She whispered at me.

"Well it's true."

"I never thought you'd be a soldier.You told me after studying you'll just sleep all your life."Hyeyoon said and chuckled.I laughed.

"I forgot about that already."

"Well you looked attractive at that suit.I wouldn't be shock if some girls starts to fangirl over you."She said.I chuckled.

"Well sorry to them.I'm taken already."Our lunch was finally over.Gosh I can't tell how much the pressure is around when they're here."Appa I'll just walk them outside."

"Okay."Hyeyoon,Chaeyoung and I walked outside.

"You sure I won't drive you back to the school?"

"No I'm fine."Chaeyoung said.

"Okay."I kissed her lips."Take care I love you so much."

"I love you too."Chaeyoung left,leaving me and Hyeyoon.

"Bye,Yoon.See you around."I said and about to walk inside.

"Hey you won't drive me?"

"Sorry,I'm busy."I said and walked inside."Take care!"I shouted.

"Our general's too attractive she have two girls!"

"Shut up,Yoo.Should I tell Nayeon that you have a lot of girls here?"She said.

"General I'm just joking!"

"Tss."I walked to my room to get a shirt because I'm all sweaty,and I found Lisa seating at her bed.Shes holding a picture."What's that?"I looked at it.Its me and Tzuyu."Where did you found that?"

"I'm cleaning this room when I found this under your bed."

"Do you know her?Seems you do while you look at her."She immediately shook her head.

"N-No unnie!Bye I'm going to my training!"She said as she ran outside.My forehead creased.Whats wrong with that kid?

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