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❝ I don't need someone to tell me I'm pretty

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❝ I don't need someone to tell me I'm pretty. ❞

Bonnie and Caroline sat at a table in the Grill together.

"Bonnie Bennett," Caroline spoke softly, "I would like to formally invite you to the Founder's Party as my date, do you accept?"

"I do."


"Is it bad luck to see your date before the actual event you're going to together?" Caroline called out over the noise of her hair dryer.

"Care, it's a party, not our wedding," Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"That's a good point," Caroline remarked.

"So," Bonnie stepped out of her bathroom, "How do I look?"

"Oh my god," Caroline's jaw fell open, gawking at her, "Incredible! So incredible!"

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"Oh my god," Caroline's jaw fell open, gawking at her, "Incredible! So incredible!"

"Thank you," Bonnie's lips pulled into a delicate smile.


Finally, once Caroline was ready the duo headed to the Lockwood's for the party.

"Thank you for coming," Mayor Lockwood greeted them brightly.

"It's so nice to see you," Carol Lockwood smiled.

"Thank you for having us," Bonnie replied with an elegant smile.

"Please, come in and enjoy yourselves," Mayor Lockwood requested.

"Thanks for coming," Tyler offered them a weak and fake smile as they slipped into his home.

"I think he's scared of you," Caroline giggled, eyeing the demon witch's wrapped hand.

"As he should," Bonnie replied with a dangerous smirk.

"Ugh," Caroline scoffed when she saw her mom, "Stay here?" She requested.

"Your wish is my command," Bonnie dipped her head once staying where she was, making idle conversation with the other guests.

"I'm back," Caroline returned.

"How'd that exchange go?" Bonnie arched a brow.

"It was...fine," Caroline shrugged.

"Hmm," Bonnie hummed as they moved into the antique room.

"'The Founding Families,'" Elena was in front of them reading the original guest registry, "'Of Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural Founder's Council Celebration.' Wow, look," She called out to Stefan, "It's the original guest registry."

Stefan faltered and stepped closer a sense of urgency in his eyes.

"Look at all these familiar names, 'Sheriff William Forbes,' 'Mayor Benjamin Lockwood,'" She scoffed and squinted, "'Is that Damon Salvatore? And...Stefan Salvatore?'"

"Their namesakes," Bonnie called out, hands resting behind her back, "It must be so surreal for you, Stefan, to see the handwriting of the man you were named after."

"It is," Stefan breathed out, incredibly thankful for an explanation to offer Elena.

"Ah," Damon slipped past the demon witch and her date, toward the registry, "The original Slavatore brothers, our ancestors," He sighed, "Such a tragic story."

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past," Stefan hummed.

"It's not boring, Stefan," Elena promised him, "I'd love to hear more about your family."

"Well, I'm bored," Caroline piped up, "Wanna go dance?" She asked Bonnie.

"I would love the excuse away from this festering awkwardness," Bonnie accepted.

"Stefan, why don't you go with them?" Damon offered, "Allow me the chance to apologize to Elena about how much of an asshole I am."

"Elena?" He asked his date.

"Go," Elena encouraged, "I'll be fine, I promise."

Stefan looked hesitant, eyes darting between his brother and his girlfriend.

"She'll be fine, I promise," Damon smirked.

Stefan grit his teeth but relented, leaving with Bonnie and Caroline.

"Would the two of you like the first dance?" Bonnie offered, "I'll grab us a table."

"Thanks, Bon," Caroline smiled.

"Thank you, Bonnie," Stefan dipped his head into a nod of thanks.

Bonnie hummed as she walked off, scaring an old white man away from a table before sitting, watching Stefan and Caroline dance together. 

Something akin to affection touched Bonnie's cold heart as she watched them dance, the way their eyes shined, the way they smiled at each other. There was no haunted memories of Katherine dancing behind Stefan's gaze, no pain in his smile. With Caroline...he was just existing in the moment, utterly content with what he was and who he was with.

Bonnie's gaze drifted away from the couple and to the candle on her table, specifically the way it had extinguished in the wind. Bonnie reached out, and picked up the candle. She held it to her eye line, wax began to roll down the candle, falling over her fingers...as the candle sparked alive, flame dancing in the air, Bonnie setting it back down.


Bonnie stepped through the Lockwood house, eyeing the décor with a critical gaze. 

The style of the house was so inconsistent, what era were they even trying to draw inspiration from? Bonnie certainly couldn't tell because there was so much just mashed together.

"Look around," Carol Lockwood's snotty voice reached the demon witch's ears, "What's missing? Flames, the candles," She emphasized, "Why aren't they lit? There's matches in the kitchen," She scoffed to the nervous worker.

She ushered the worked out the room, smiling a mockingly sweet smile at Bonnie who watched her go with a delicately arched brow, sipping some champagne.

The demon witch returned her attention to the unlit candles. She inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering closed, and when they opened the room was aglow with warmth and light, flames waving at her.


"Caroline?" Bonnie rushed toward the girl in question as she slowly rose from the floor, "Caroline?"

Fuck why had Damon gone after her?

"Caroline, hey, hey, I'm here," Bonnie held the girl's shoulders.

"I'm fine," She hyperventilated, "I'm fine, I-I'm fine."

"Come here," Bonnie shushes her, pulling her into her arms, "I'm here, I'm here, I have you, you're safe now, Care."

The blonde broke down in her arms, sobbing into her.

"I have you."

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