Return to Casa del Toro

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Author's Note: Just a head's up, I'm adding Jamie, also known as JEDI271217 in the story as a human who is an animal whisperer that talks to animals. 

Also, in the story, Jamie will be fully aware of Valiente and Grace's love relationship. 


Ferdinand and Grace went past the tree they sat under as calves and other places they didn't seem to noticed at all. 

But the trip for Ferdinand and Grace made them wonder where they were being taken to. 

They both didn't know that they were being taken to their former home. 

Grace peered through the gaps of the truck to see everything along the way with a saddened look on her face. 

Ferdinand was feeling sad just as much as Grace was. 

They both didn't expect what had happened to them. 

Realization was going to hit the two siblings when they both are being taken back to their former home after the whole situation at the Flower Festival. 

The truck finally approached to its final destination. 

The rattling of the truck wakes up both Ferdinand and Grace who were sleeping on the drive up to wherever they were being taken to. 

Ferdinand grunts as he situated himself to see where he and Grace were at. 

He peered out through the gaps of the truck to see Casa del Toro. 

"No!" Ferdinand said panicked. 

"Oh, no. No, not back here. No, no, no. This can't be happening." Ferdinand said freaking out. 

Grace looks at Ferdinand worryingly. 

"Ferdinand." Grace said trying to get her brother's attention. 

"We need to get outta here. Stop the truck! Stop the truck! There's been some mistake. Stop!" Ferdinand said trying to find the way he and Grace came in. 

All that stress and panic caused Ferdinand to get his horns stuck in the gaps of the truck.

Ferdinand bellows in a panic and stressed state. 

Grace sighs in defeat as she turns to look through the gaps of the truck. 

She saw a few ranch hands and the owner of Casa del Toro, Moreno with a woman she didn't seemed know at all. 

The woman had brown shoulder-length hair, green eyes, peachish-white skin, light-pink lips that were consealed by red lipstick, and wore a light-green shirt, brown shorts that went down to her knees, white socks, and brown work boots. 

Her name is Jamie Dabbs or Jamie, who had the ability to talk to animals. 

Senor Moreno falls backwards onto the ground. 

"Oy! He's going to tear the truck apart with that cow in there." Senor Moreno said. 

"What did I tell you, Senor Moreno? He's a beast." The ranch hand said. 

Ferdinand grunts while trying to get his horns unstuck from the truck. 

"A cow in the back of the truck with a bull?" Jamie asked confused like. 

She walked over to the back end of the truck to see Grace. 

Grace situated herself into a different sitting position in the truck after seeing Jamie walk over to the back end of the truck she and Ferdinand were in. 

Ferdinand (Valiente X Ferdinand's Sister! Cow! OC)Where stories live. Discover now