𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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It was a late night of June 29, and Park Sunghoon drives as he watched the fading sun sink lower from the top of the approaching bridge in the horizon. He liked to watch it, especially after training all day and let his thoughts wander without conscious direction. It was how he relaxed, a routine he'd learned from his mother.

Today was an exception, though, for he needs to get home early. As it started to rain, he decided to take a stop in the pharmacy he trusted to buy the maintenance of his mother. He gets out and opens his black umbrella, running into the store where the woman behind the cashier immediately recognizes him.

Not because he was a popular ice skater, he's a regular. "We were about to close early because of the weather, but you came just in time, Sir", she says, which made him nod towards her in graciousness.

"Have your brother return?", she asks him, and Sunghoon shook his head, sadly smiling, "He was usually the one who was here before you"

"He left us this year", he blinks the tears away, not wanting to remember Jay's departure, and the woman looks at him sadly, "Our mom misses him"

"She's really lucky that you stayed for her", she gives him an understanding smile.

Sunghoon returns it as he opens his wallet to pay for the things he bought, "I'm sure the girl you would learn to love will not forget someone like you", she added.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing, it had been a long time since he thought of such things as love. The people may ship him with a lot of famous girls like idols, but he never cared in getting close to anyone. His mother is much more important to him.

As he exits the pharmacy, he looks confused - he has never been curious about love in so long.

He drives back home with a smile in his face, loving the way the streets looks more cosey in rainy days and everyone is running inside their home, like the way it should be. As he watched the drops sliding down the windshield, he slows down his car, driving to the nearest lane to the bridge near Han River, taking in the view from his side.

It used to be the place where he used to jog with his brother, the same place where they run with their mother as little boys and he felt sad to see all those memories were forgotten, had been pushed aside for U.S dreams.

However, his view is soon interrupted. He sees a girl running by herself in the downpour. She stopped by the railings, folding her arms together, with her eyes locked to the rushing current beneath the bridge. It is a hypnotizing sight for her.

Sunghoon stops his car and gets out with his umbrella. He doesn't know what motivation drives him into doing it as he walked up behind her. He holds the umbrella over the both of them, and she stops, noticing the felt of the rain had ceased. Her eyes shift above her head, but doesn't turn around to face Sunghoon.

They are mere inches away from each other, both beneath Sunghoon's only source of shelter that he can provide, "Why are you out here in a bridge looking down below?", this is a question she completely ignore.

He waits a minute or two for a reply, but doesn't get one until he asked her a second question, "Do you want us to go to a shelter like a convenience store?"

It takes a half good minute before she nods slowly. Sunghoon goes slowly beside her, and turns her around, as he guides her to the nearest convenience store. As they walk, she only looks down at her feet, refusing to look at his eyes.

The whole walk to the store is silent, neither of them saying a word. When they finally reached the safety of front, she is quick to get ahead of him but Sunghoon stops her, "Wait", he shrugs out his jacket and puts it over her, "They may not let you in looking like that. Also, you'll get cold with the air-con inside", her hair is still covering her face, so he hasn't been able to look at her face completely, yet.

Upon getting inside, she quickly goes to the farthest table and Sunghoon bought them an instant ramen before walking over to her with a cup of steaming hot choco as well.

As he passed her the hot meal and drink, he heard her voice, "Thank you", she even bows as it breaks a bit.

Sunghoon smiles at her timidly and says back, "Eat it all, it'll get you warm"

He eat in silence for a while, until he notice she barely touched the food other than only drinking the choco, "Is it too hot or you're not hungry?", Sunghoon asks her, and she only shakes her head.

This girl is surely hard to crack, he thinks to himself.

"Do you need a lift? I'm on my way home, so I could bring you to yours"

She chuckles sadly and he notices something fall down at the base of her chin. A single tear at first.

"Hey", Sunghoon drops his chopsticks and moves down to sit beside her. He was about to place a comforting arms around her, but hesitates, just before he just placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Where is home? Nowhere", her voice is clearly shaky and hoarse, an evidence she had been crying.

Sunghoon nods his head, and stand up, not wanting to be seen with a crying girl on the public, "I need to get home then", his only stupid reason as he turns around and begin to walk away, when she sobbed loudly.

"I runaway from home, and my brother just died on me", she continues, before breaking down. She puts her face in her hands and weeps softly, her body shaking with every sob.

Sunghoon walks over to her and does not think twice even if someone from the media may spot him before he enveloped her into a hug.

She doesn't pull back or anything, but just sobs harder into Sunghoon' chest as he hummed a song. He hugs her even tighter, as the sense of protectiveness sunk into him. And as it worked through his mind, Sunghoon thought of his brother as well, in the time Jay left all the responsibility to him, and he allowed a tear to escape from his eyes.

And at that point in time, Park Sunghoon swore a lost soul had find it's way into his arms.

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Don't hate on Jay until you know the whole story.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 ✓ 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now